The David Spoon Experience 2-15-24 part 1
A) In 2nd Corinthians 13:5, Paul advises the church at Corinth to examine themselves to see whether they're in the faith. He urges them to test themselves. This process requires several elements to be valid. The first is complete honesty with oneself. It's easy for us to self-justify - Job did it, and we often do it too. What we need to do is examine ourselves and see if there are thoughts, actions, or words that are contrary to Jesus. If they're there, we need to acknowledge them.
B) If they're not there, we need to acknowledge that too. On this show, we often discuss the need for honesty. Our reflection needs to be one that we are willing to bring before the Lord when we fail. At the same time, we need to have honesty for where we succeed. It's not just a matter of tearing ourselves down because that's not what God does. It's a matter of acknowledging where we do show faith, where we do act in accordance with God’s purposes and will, and where we are being obedient or growing in obedience. Yes, it’s there inside of you.
C) In verse seven, Paul makes a classic switch. He tells the believers that he doesn’t want them to do anything wrong. Who does? God doesn’t want you to do wrong. The people of God don’t want you to do wrong. And quite frankly, if you’re a Christian, you don’t want to do things that are wrong. Paul even says that even if we fail the test, it shouldn’t matter. You should still not do things that are wrong.
D) He then makes a fascinating theological statement. We cannot do anything against the truth but for the truth. How is that possible? It’s simple. The truth cannot be altered. It cannot be changed. If we give a bad witness to the truth, we are at fault. That’s fine. But the truth doesn’t become any less the truth. The truth stands steadfast for sure. And Paul simply says, "I’m praying for your perfection, for your maturity, for your completion." Not moral perfection, but completeness. As Christians, we can have everything covered from the Father, through the Son, and by the Holy Spirit.