The David Spoon Experience 2-12-24 part 2
1) In Genesis 2:21, we find that God causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep. Interestingly, there is no mention of sleep prior to this, only rest. This leads us to speculate that this might have been the first instance of sleep. While Adam is sleeping, God takes one of his ribs and closes up the place from which He had taken it. Essentially, this implies that the first surgery was performed on the only man who had no one to bring him flowers.
2) In reality, the woman was created from the rib of a man. God took the rib and fashioned Eve from it. The breath that God originally breathed into Adam continues to be the breath of Eve and every person ever born beyond Adam's existence. The man was created from dust, and the woman was created from man. It's not difficult to deduce that women are a refinement of man's creation. However, it's important to remember that this was before sin entered the world.
3) The initial pattern for marriage, relationships, and the continuation of human existence is established here. Adam recognized that Eve was not an animal but a part of himself. It's unfortunate that there is such a pervasive spirit of confusion between the sexes, male and female. Yet, there are only two sexes. Refer to the movie "Kindergarten Cop" for a direct reference point. It's clear that man was incomplete without woman, and a woman could not be complete without man.
4) The next portion of scripture, Genesis 22:24, sets the standard relationship that people should follow. A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two become one. This formula continues for all of humanity. Notice there is no perversion of this in any form. It's simple: Adam is seen as a father, and Eve as a mother. Their offspring will be seen as their children. These children will then unite with others of the opposite sex and start their own family unit.
5) Verse 25, which states that Adam and his wife were both naked and felt no shame, is impossible to ignore. There was no shame in being naked because there was no sin. There was no uncontrollable lust because there was no sin. They were naked, and everything was great. They felt no shame, but after sin entered the world, innocence died, and shame came in with a vengeance. There is no freedom from shame without the redemption of Jesus Christ.