The David Spoon Experience 2-12-24 part 1
A) Paul, in this final letter, then points out that two of his former co-workers have deserted the ministry. Phygelus and Hermogenes are only mentioned here and nowhere else in the New Testament. Anything else said about them is based on speculation, tradition, or fanciful stories.
B) In direct contrast to these two is Onesiphorus. He receives two commendations from Paul: 1) He refreshed Paul, and 2) He was never ashamed of Paul’s chains. In fact, he even went out of his way to search for Paul and be a blessing to him. When was the last time any of us sought someone out just to be a blessing to them in multiple ways?
C) It should not surprise anyone that an entire doctrine has been built on verse 18, which has nothing to do with it. Paul mentions that he wants his faithful friend to receive mercy from the Lord on that day. The most direct reference to that day is the second coming of Christ. Paul is not praying for someone to receive mercy that they would not receive otherwise. Paul cannot intercede for someone standing before the face of God. That time has passed.
D) Paul opens up chapter two by saying that Timothy needs to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Many of us have strong opinions, strong attitudes, and strong personalities, but we are often weak when it comes to grace.