The David Spoon Experience 12-6-23 part 1
A) As we delve into Psalm 45, we highlight some aspects that aid our understanding of its messianic nature. The opening itself is noteworthy. The author expresses that his heart is brimming with a good theme, indicating that something positive is brewing in his mind and heart. Interestingly, this song revolves around a marital setting. I mention this positively to caution us against the times when our hearts and minds are filled with negative themes. So, what theme is occupying our minds and hearts today?
B) The text speaks of two parties involved - the king and the bride. Three excellent points are made when referring to the king. Those connected to the king ride prosperously, defined by riding in truth, humility, and righteousness. It’s not often you hear prosperity preached as humility, truth, and righteousness, but it’s explicitly stated in Psalm 45.
C) Verse six, quoted in Hebrews Chapter one, states, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of your righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.” This is a direct reference to Jesus Christ. His scepter symbolizes righteousness - righteousness granted to us through His redeeming work and righteousness that He nurtures within us. The definition of His throne is that it is eternal - eternal life is found in Jesus Christ.
D) The latter part of verse seven reveals that God has anointed this king. The word ‘anointed’ is synonymous with ‘Messiah’ or ‘Anointed One’. The anointing that descends upon this king, which comes from the Holy Spirit, is described as the oil of gladness. Perhaps we can interpret this as the touch from the Holy Spirit that infuses joy into our lives. While we don’t shy away from telling people about life’s ups and downs, we could do a better job explaining that fullness of joy resides in the Lord’s This was written not only to portray Jesus as the Christ but also to keep this at the forefront of His believers’ minds - us Christians.