The David Spoon Experience 12-5-23 part 2
1) In Paul's brilliant theology, he reminds Christians that the greatest thing we can do is glory in the Cross of Jesus Christ. Some pseudo-Christians claim that the cross is brutal, but it's only brutal to those who don't understand what redemption means. By that Cross, we no longer have discord with God. That is one of the most beautiful signs in life.
2) Paul concludes the epistle by saying what counts is that we've truly been transformed into new people—not circumcisions or adherence to laws—but after our encounter with Jesus, we're not who we were before. Many of you can testify that after you met Jesus face-to-face, your face changed—His did not. You are now a new person, born again through the Spirit of God via the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and the gift of Grace and Love from God the Father.
3) The Apostle Paul winds down the letter by writing, “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” This is a brilliant way of saying, hey, I’ve been through enough. I’ve gone through enough. I know enough Stop troubling me because I’m not exactly the way you want me to be. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Christians everywhere I thought this way about one another? Don’t trouble your brother or sister. They’ve been through enough. Be a blessing and encourage them instead.
4) He concludes by saying, "The grace of Lord Jesus be with you all." The problem with too many theologians is they keep thinking that Grace is a one-time application. That could not be further from the truth of the word of God. Grace is applied initially and continually because we continually need grace. Where sin does abound, grace abounds even more. It is by Grace and Grace alone that we stand. And we should all reply by saying, “Amen.”