The David Spoon Experience 12-14-22 Part 2
1) This is the time of year that we get to reflect on the wonderfulness of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. But, of course, we should be reflecting on the incarnation of Jesus on a regular basis. But even more so important is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Why? Because it proves that everything that Jesus said is true. And without the resurrection, there is nothing to look forward to. So, no, Christian existentialism is not real or true. The core of our faith is the resurrection. 2) That being said, the time for Christian fuddy-duddies is far over. But Dave, there is so much commercialism in Christmas. So what? You don’t have t walk your Christmas the way the world walks theirs. I mean, seriously, they don’t even believe in Jesus. How can I say that? Because they bounce around with the psycho-babble says like, it’s all about feeling good, or it’s all about the magic, or even it’s all about the family. No, it isn’t. It’s all about God reconciling with sinful humanity. 3) But buying gifts for people, having gatherings, and YES, even a Christmas tree is not offensive to God any more than when you and I say “Thursday,” which is named after the God Thor. So could you give it a rest, Mr. and Mrs. Scrooge? If you don’t want to have fun, then don’t be a jerk toward everyone else. I’m pretty sure that’s not Christlike. And no, Santa is not an offshoot of Satan any more than Dog is an offshoot of God.