The David Spoon Experience 11-6-23 part 1
A) In Titus 1:13, we see Paul telling the young man to rebuke those people who give heed to Jewish fables and to the commandments of men. This does not mean that every Jewish story is somehow evil. That’s not what it’s being said at all. This refers to people who are using a form of legalism and mysticisms in their teaching. These people are trying to capture others to get them to follow them. And instead of living by Biblical truths, they exalt the commandments of men to the level of God’s word. Never should that be.
B) To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. It speaks to us that those of us who have a sincere, earnest, honest, consciousness towards God and are trying to do our best to live in glorifying and honoring Him, is something that God is deeply aware of. He knows what our hearts truly are. He knows that there’s a purity in us that seeks to do it right and be right even when we fall short.
C) In contrast to that, are those people who are not pure. They are defined as defiled and unbelieving. Notice ironically, what makes them impure is their unwillingness to believe. And they are defiled because they use their teachings as ways of advantage over others, and not just trying to serve. They are nothing close to Abraham who simply loved God. They even proclaim they know God, but everything they do demonstrates otherwise.
D) We can’t miss this. Paul then says, do you speak the things that are proper? That means all of us need to watch what we say. It must be connected to sound doctrine when we’re talking about biblical truth. It can’t be just our opinion. We state our opinion like it’s a fact. It would do us well to remember that everybody has an opinion, but that also God has declared every man a liar. So perhaps we should be careful.