The David Spoon Experience 11-3-23 part 2
1) Dave starts off the show by sharing two really cool and miraculous testimonies.
2) Normally, when I teach Luke, I provide a full exposition of this story, which is rich with insights and powerful points. However, in this particular teaching, I want to focus on one specific aspect that we need to keep at the forefront of our thoughts. We often forget how fortunate we are to have the God of the universe listen to us, respond to us, and help us. He who gives us every breath takes time to hear every word. When we’re frustrated or feeling like giving up, He has something to say. And, as we see Him more clearly, we’ll truly understand His true graciousness and our own sinfulness.
3) Having pushed everyone in this Friday's teaching towards an understanding of God’s holiness and graciousness, I don’t want you to miss His main characteristic that shines through. John 3:16 teaches us that God showed His love for the world by giving His only begotten Son. He did this to save us. We need to remember that God is compassionate; He won’t fail us. He’s already chosen not to destroy us and will never forget His commitment to us. That calls for a big amen and amen.