The David Spoon Experience 10-5-23 part 2
1) Demetrius, a very wealthy businessman in Ephesus, was losing money. Paul and the People of the Way were to blame. What happens when people lose their money and their power because someone is teaching the truth? Those people, whether their life is politics, business, fame, power, notoriety, or anything similar, FREAK OUT. They spend their time trying to make innocent people guilty of criminal offenses. They spend their time falsely accusing others. Truth, for these people, is irrelevant.
2) His big complaint was Paul stating that man-made gods are not gods at all. I’m sorry, but this level of ignorance is nutsy coo-coo. How can something man-made be Divine? These people are making images that they can crush, burn or throw anytime they want. And these images are supposed to be their gods? How can an object that can be tossed in a fire and burned up by a person be the god of that person?
3) But Demetrius didn’t get to be wealthy by being a dullard. The truth is that “just like Judas,” he expressed his deep concern for the possible disrespect that was going to come to The Great Artemis. This is exactly like when Judas expressed his concern about an object being sold and the money given to the poor when, in reality, he just wanted more access to more funds. The story is spelled out clearly in the gospel of John, chapter 12:5-6. People cry foul when, in reality, they’re lying about what they can gain from the process.
4) As a mob gathers together, as the crowd gathers together, it’s nothing but confusion, anger, destruction and mayhem, with no actual idea as to why they’re doing what they’re doing. The Apostle Paul wanted to go in and address the commotion, but the faithful believed it was a bad idea and said no. Sometimes, it’s the heart of wisdom to just avoid danger especially when the danger is birthed from nothing normal or real but demonic evil. Knowing when to go into the fire and knowing when not to go into the fire requires discernment and close connection with the Lord and wisdom from God above. Some fights are better left than engaged with. The key is to know which hill to fight for and die on.