The David Spoon Experience 10-5-23 part 1
A) 2nd Corinthians chapter 10, verse five, starts off with this incredible truth about how the people of God should engage in spiritual warfare. It’s not pretty, and it’s not easy, which is why it is called warfare. The text says, “We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” We’re gonna take a few moments to try and break this down, piece by piece.
B) We tear down arguments. OK, I’m not trying to be scientific, but where do arguments take place? Somewhere between our mouths, our ears, our minds and our hearts. We have. To tear down the arguments, which is also translated as strongholds. These are fortresses in our minds, where our thinking is and in our hearts, where our feelings are. And they have to be torn down because they are set up specifically against the knowledge of God.
C) not to be a rocket scientist once again, but where do we find the knowledge of God? Could it be? I don’t know…maybe …the Bible! God wrote a book that contains the knowledge that He wants us to know and function in. By golly, I think we’ve got it. Or at least, we can get it. But that doesn’t stop the process there. We have to be diligent, vigilant and aware to make every thought obedient to what would be pleasing to Christ. It doesn’t mean every bad thought you’ve had or have is you being sinful and evil. Some of those bad thoughts are planted, placed, and offered as temptations that we must resist.
D) How can you tell if we are doing a good job in this? Verse 6 makes that clear. We need to punish every act of disobedience. You’ll know you’re responding the wrong way if your actions correlate to those bad things. By your fruits, you shall know them. And by your fruits, you shall know you.