The David Spoon Experience 1-9-24 part 1
A) We begin this chapter by seeing that the Pharisees came to Jesus not to acknowledge Him, but to test him. They were not really interested in finding out if he was the true Messiah. They were doing everything they could to disprove his claims. This was not a test to learn but a test to discredit.
B) I can relate to this in my own life. Sometimes, without even realizing it, I test the Lord. This was made clear to me in my personal devotions, as I read how Israel constantly tested God by asking for his provisions. I seem to face a similar challenge from time to time, and I would do well to stop testing Jesus.
C) The Pharisees could only ask Jesus to perform a miraculous sign as a test, because they could not use wisdom against him. His wisdom was far superior to theirs, and they knew it. They were trying to trap him with the proof-by-miracle theory. Ironically and ironically, Jesus pointed out that there were indeed signs that showed he was the Messiah.
D) He told them that the sign of the Son of Man was the sign of Jonah the prophet. What happened to Jonah? He was thrown into the sea, presumed dead, and he was there for three days. Then he came back and completed his mission. That was the connection Jesus made to his messianic role. The resurrection of Jonah, which was spiritual and symbolic, became literal and actual.
E) But don't miss the rebuke, which is the most important part. Jesus said to them, "An evil and faithless generation seeks a sign. The sign is to prove that the person is who he claims to be. But in this case, it's not one sign or another. Even if Jesus pulled a rabbit out of his hat, they would not have believed. They wanted constant signs, constant proof, because they were faithless and evil. We would do well to pay attention."