The David Spoon Experience 1-8-24 part 2
1) We’re picking back up in the Book of Genesis, focusing on the creation of mankind. Genesis 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image.” The “us” and “our” have nothing to do with angels. They refer to the plurality of God’s existence, not implying that there are three separate Gods but one God in three manifestations.
2) Many people overlook how we are made in God’s image. While there are certain characteristics we share with God, it’s important to understand how God defines us to be like Him. The first definition is that mankind will be masters over all life - the fish, the sea, the birds, the sky, the livestock, the wild animals, and the small animals. This is the initial aspect of being made in the likeness of God.
3) It’s worth noting that scripture states that both men and women are created in God’s image. To think otherwise is simply foolish. God identifies Himself as masculine. Arguing that He’s feminine is arguing with the very being who created you. Some things are dumb, and other things are dumber. Arguing with your Creator would be the dumbest.
4) A couple of startling notes should be observed. Firstly, God tells Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Intercourse is not solely about reproduction, as the Song of Solomon teaches us. There is pleasure in intimacy. This command is not repeated in the New Testament because mankind was already well on its way to populating the Earth.
5) Another brilliant point is that God breathed into Adam once, and that same breath continues with every single person who has been born since that very first breath. The very breath that God breathed into Adam is still being breathed into every person on Earth who is conceived. Yes, I said conceived.