The David Spoon Experience 1-24-24 part 1
A) Psalm 48 verse 1: We acknowledge that the Lord is great and worthy of high praise. Let’s pause for a moment and reflect on His greatness. Yes, God is good, great, awesome, and phenomenal. But we must remember that when we refer to God as being great, we’re speaking of His quality, and His quality is indeed great.
B) In response to His greatness, our praise should be equally grand. It should not be legalistic, restricted, or restrained. Quite the contrary, our praise should mirror what will happen in heaven, where praise will be unending. We need to learn to praise the Lord greatly and understand that the very breath in our lungs was given to us to glorify His name. No one is worthy of the great praise that is God’s due.
C) We have a beautiful hymn titled ‘Great is the Lord.’ It goes, ‘Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God and in the mountain of His holiness. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole Earth is Mount Zion.’ What people often forget is that Mount Zion is the center of worship, the worship throne of the whole Earth.”
D) The psalmist writes, ‘As we have heard, so we have seen.’ This means that the way it was declared is the way it is. The word of God has been declared, and that’s the way it is.
E) We have reflected on God’s kindness, and so we offer praises to the ends of the Earth. Perhaps one day, we can engrave this on our foreheads. When we think of God’s kindness and how it exceeds everything every day for everyone, we recognize that this brings us to a place of wanting to offer up thanksgiving and praise to Him. He who gave us life and life more abundant. When you are down and discouraged, consider the kindness that God has poured upon you. It will lift up your soul.