The David Spoon Experience 1-2-24 part 2
1) As we continue to review what many consider the greatest epistle outside of the Gospels, Paul shares with the Christians in Rome his desire to visit them. He had intended to do so several times but was unable to. It's worth noting that there are many things we aspire to do, which are good and solid in their own right. However, the timing might not align, and it might not be what the Lord intends for us at a particular time.
2) Paul then discusses his sense of obligation towards both the Jewish people and people of other cultures. This does not refer to cultures like the 'woke' culture, a fleeting trend akin to political correctness and other self-indulgent, arrogant, man-made whims of the decades. He is actually referring to reaching out to people from different backgrounds, Jews and Gentiles, the educated and the uneducated. God is not impressed by multiple degrees but by a big heart.
3) We've arrived at one of the most significant verses in the New Testament, comparable to John 3:16. This was the first sermon I preached, and I hope it will be my last when that time comes. "For I am not ashamed." Nor should you be, nor should we ever be, even when our brother or sister stumbles. We are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ because this good news is eternal and will always remain good.