The David Spoon Experience 1-2-24 part 1
A) We now venture into another feeding ministry, similar but not identical to the feeding of the 5000. In this instance, Jesus begins by expressing his compassion for the people. They’ve been with Him for three days and have nothing left to eat. This doesn’t mean they didn’t bring food with them; it just means they’ve run out. Jesus doesn’t want to send them away hungry, as many could faint along the way. Jesus cares about the medical side of things, which is why He’s called the Great Physician, not the great doctor. But He also cares about their tummy hunger.
B) The disciples’ response is understandable. They’re in the wilderness, wondering where they’re going to find food. There are no fast-food restaurants, no food court at the mall, no food out there. Ironically, it wasn’t that long ago that they had only five loaves and two fish. So, Jesus asks, “What do you have this time?” They reply, “Seven loaves and a few small fish.” They actually had more on hand than they did during the last miracle, and this crowd was smaller. But they’ve already forgotten the power of offering it up with thanksgiving to the Father so that He can multiply it. They forgot, just like we often forget, the powerful miracles God produces for our benefit.