The David Spoon Experience 1-16-24 part 1
A) As they were crossing to the other side of the lake, the disciples realized they had forgotten to bring food. This would be a startling revelation for anyone traveling. Simultaneously, Jesus warned them, “Watch out, beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” Things happen concurrently, but not always for the same reasons.
B) The disciples, in their wisdom, assumed that Jesus’ warning was because they hadn’t brought bread. They thought Jesus was referring to their oversight while He was cautioning them about the spiritual nourishment being offered by others.
C) Jesus then admonished His disciples, “You have so little faith. Why are you concerned about having no food? Why don’t you understand?” So, Jesus chastises his disciples. Let's see, little faith, worried, and don't understand what’s being taught. Wow, it's a good thing none of us ever go through that same experience.
D) Jesus then emphasized the lesson, “Don’t you remember the 5,000 who were fed with five loaves, or the 4,000 who were fed with seven loaves? Wasn’t there leftover food? How can you think this is about physical food? How can you forget what I’ve already done?”
E) Finally, the disciples understood that Jesus wasn’t talking about actual bread but about the false teachings of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Sometimes, it takes a rebuke from God for us to grasp the point.