The David Spoon Experience 1-12-24 part 2
First, it’s Friday, time for Dr. Dave’s Devotional Diamonds of the Day. The first one opens up in the book of Exodus. It’s a wonderful reminder about who’s truly in charge of Planet Earth. Some people may think that they’re in control and that their actions will ultimately determine the fate of the planet. However, such individuals are misguided, uninformed, and unstable. Let’s understand one thing: God gave mankind the opportunity to manage the Earth, but He never handed over total ownership. He granted us the right to inhabit it, but it’s His personal property.
Next, here’s the big mystery: we are not all going to ‘sleep.’ In biblical terms, this means we are not all going to die. Despite those who believe that the planet deserves to outlive mankind, the reality is that not everyone on the planet is going to die because we are not all going to ‘sleep.’ That’s the mystery: who is going to ‘sleep,’ when, and what will the change be like?
Finally, “I think I’ll go buy that car. ‘Hello, car dealership staff, I want to buy that car.’ ‘Great, that’ll be $20,000.’ ‘Wait, I don’t have $20,000, but I can make payments.’ ‘What kind of payments can you make?’ ‘Not the kind I want to, but the kind that will get me the car.’ ‘Awesome, first we’re going to need a down payment.’ ‘Why a down payment?’ ‘Because that proves that you’re going to take care of the rest. After all, nobody wants to lose a down payment.’ ‘Hey, wait a minute, that sounds spiritual. Isn’t there a down payment for the kingdom of God?’ ‘Yes, there is.’ ‘What’s that down payment?’ ‘It’s the Holy Spirit.’ He is our guarantee.”