02-21-2025 part 2: The Significance of Waiting: Embracing the Unknown with Faith
The central theme of this podcast episode revolves around the profound significance of prayer, particularly the ability to communicate with the divine without the necessity of verbal articulation. We delve into the biblical narrative of Hannah, who exemplifies the power of silent prayer, demonstrating that genuine supplication can occur from the depths of one's heart, irrespective of outward expression. Additionally, we explore the importance of patience in faith, urging listeners to await the Lord’s timing and to trust in His divine plan, as articulated in the teachings drawn from the Book of Ruth. As we navigate the complexities of life, we emphasize that true joy is found not only in answered prayers but in the assurance of salvation and the promise of eternal life. Ultimately, this episode encourages a deeper understanding of our spiritual journey and the necessity of fostering a robust relationship with God through constant communication and unwavering trust.
The podcast episode intricately delves into the profound theological implications of prayer, particularly emphasizing the potency of silent supplications made to the Divine. In a compelling narrative centered around the character of Hannah from the biblical account, the speaker expounds upon the notion that prayer extends beyond mere vocal expressions. The central thesis posited in this discourse is that genuine communication with God can occur in the silence of one's heart, a theme that is powerfully illustrated through Hannah's fervent yet unarticulated prayers. The speaker draws attention to the fact that scriptural precedents exist wherein silent prayers were met with divine responses, thereby challenging the prevailing notion among certain religious sects that only vocalized prayers are deemed valid in the eyes of God. This segment serves not only to elucidate the multifaceted nature of prayer but also to encourage a deeper understanding of faith that embraces silent contemplation as an equally legitimate form of spiritual dialogue.
Furthermore, the episode adeptly addresses the broader theological principle of patience in prayer, as encapsulated in the advice given to Ruth to 'wait until you know how the matter turns out.' This exhortation underscores the importance of trusting in God's timing, a concept that resonates strongly in contemporary society where instant gratification often undermines the virtue of patience. The speaker ardently argues that yielding control and placing trust in the Lord is crucial to experiencing peace in the midst of uncertainty. As listeners, we are prompted to reflect upon our own tendencies toward impatience and the resultant anxiety that often accompanies it, thus igniting a collective reconsideration of our approach to both prayer and divine trust.
In summation, the episode masterfully weaves together the themes of silent prayer and the necessity of patience, urging the audience to engage in a more contemplative practice of their faith. By recognizing that God hears our unspoken thoughts and that His timing is inherently perfect, we are collectively encouraged to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Divine—one that is rooted in trust, patience, and the acknowledgment that true communication with God can indeed flourish in silence. The profound insights shared throughout this episode serve as theological reflections and practical guidance, equipping us to navigate the complexities of faith with renewed vigor and understanding.
- The episode emphasizes the significance of waiting upon the Lord and trusting in His timing, as illustrated by the story of Ruth and Naomi.
- It is articulated that one can pray silently and that vocalization is not a prerequisite for God to hear our prayers.
- The discussion highlights the importance of being equipped with the Bible, which is described as the word of God, containing divine insights necessary for our lives.
- Listeners are encouraged to engage in daily spiritual practices and to foster a close relationship with God through consistent prayer and devotion.
- The episode underscores that answered prayers are a source of joy and a testament to the believer's connection with God, which should be celebrated.
- Lastly, it is articulated that true rejoicing stems from the understanding that one's name is written in heaven, a profound reason for eternal gratitude and joy.
And now for something completely different.
Speaker A:Here's what's coming up this hour on Today's Experience.
Speaker A:It's fantastic.
Speaker A:Phenomenal, Always fun, usually somewhat fascinating.
Speaker A:Friday, as we head into the weekend, not being afraid, even if the earth gives way or the mountains fall into the seas, because our help comes from the Lord.
Speaker A:So because it's Friday, it's time for Dr.
Speaker A:Dave's Devotional Diamonds of the day.
Speaker A:Hey, that's me.
Speaker A:We start today by recognizing something very simple.
Speaker A:God created the universe.
Speaker A:Therefore, the dude can write a book.
Speaker A:Let's understand that the Holy Spirit wrote a book in partnership with mankind called the Bible, the word of God.
Speaker A:And it contains what God has to say, what we need to know, and what we need to be fully equipped for.
Speaker A:Next, I'm entitling this other DD d d d as silent night can be holy night.
Speaker A:This has to do with Hannah as she is praying to the Lord for something so deep she can't even express it with words.
Speaker A:She was speaking inside of her heart.
Speaker A:Unfortunately, there are some groups within the church that think if you can't verbalize your prayer, well, then it's not going to be responded to or heard by God.
Speaker A:And so I want to say this in the nicest spirit possible.
Speaker A:Dum, dum, dum, dum.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:And then finally, I'm going to share with you what I consider to be a most painful teaching.
Speaker A:It's not painful because it's not helpful.
Speaker A:It's painful painful because it's true.
Speaker A:Sometimes we forget the most simplistic teachings to help us, we take a journey into the book of Ruth.
Speaker A:Ironically, it picks up after the portion where she's gotten through some of her bitterness and recognizes that God is still faithful.
Speaker A:A great lesson for us all.
Speaker B:David Spoon's life has been an experience.
Speaker B:While growing up in a Jewish family, he made a wrong turn towards jerk.
Speaker B:Then David Spoon found Jesus Christ and his life completely changed.
Speaker B:The more he studied the gospel, the more he wanted to share his experiences with others.
Speaker B:After 35 years of ministry, David discovered a new path of service.
Speaker B:He joined KAAM and this radio program began.
Speaker B:You're about to hear the David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Welcome to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Local, national and heavenly talk.
Speaker A:Here's what else we're looking at during the show.
Speaker A:Lessons for surviving, living and prevailing politics, entertainment and current events, personal revelations, spiritual observations, my life's insanities, and oy vey, so much more.
Speaker A:Now remember, it's not professional radio.
Speaker A:And to verify it's not professional radio, not only are we Going to talk to the nicest guy in professional radio, which eventually will be his final title.
Speaker A:But we're also going to talk to the Great Gazoo of professional radio.
Speaker A:For those of you that know what I'm talking about, it's the Flynn Stones.
Speaker A:Yes, the Flynn Stones.
Speaker A:I just want to turn it over to our very own Jam and Jacob, the Great Gazoo of professional Radio.
Speaker A:Jam and Jacob is the David Smooth Experience.
Speaker A:Professional radio.
Speaker C:No, it is not, David.
Speaker A:No, it is not.
Speaker A:Says the Great Gazoo.
Speaker A:That is amazing.
Speaker A:All I want to do is remind people.
Speaker A:The Flintstones.
Speaker A:The Flintstones.
Speaker A:And then you should remember this.
Speaker A:When Great Gazoo does something, he goes like this.
Speaker A:That's your signal for the Great Gazoo.
Speaker A:That's it.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker C:There we go.
Speaker A:You're just so good at it.
Speaker A:That was a great job of snapping your fingers.
Speaker A:Anyway, here's the bottom line.
Speaker A:It's just radio.
Speaker A:It's where we get together.
Speaker A:We fellowship, we talk with one another.
Speaker A:It's like, well, how do you fellowship at a distance?
Speaker A:Exactly the same way Paul did with the church at Colossae, which he never went to, but had great fellowship with them.
Speaker A:Get it?
Speaker A:Okay, so that's how you do it.
Speaker A:And what we do is we encourage one another.
Speaker A:We see the day of Jesus Christ is getting closer and closer.
Speaker A:Now, I don't care what your eschatology is.
Speaker A:And people that freak out about that need to take just to take a deep breath, right?
Speaker A:Jesus said, I've told you these things so that when they come to pass, you will understand.
Speaker A:Sometimes it has to come to pass for us to understand.
Speaker A:That's okay.
Speaker A:Here's what we know.
Speaker A:Jesus is coming again and soon.
Speaker A:And so what we do is we try and encourage one another and strengthen one another, lift up one another while that process is going.
Speaker A:We want to carry one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Speaker A:So we encourage you.
Speaker A:We encourage you to send an email if you want to communicate something.
Speaker A:Davidemustincrease.org that's david@hemustincrease.org we also encourage you to text.
Speaker A:That's fun, too.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or you can call us.
Speaker A:Yep, it's a telephone and it still works.
Speaker A:And it is probably older than you, let's be honest.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Well, by golly, you'll end up talking to Jam and Jacob.
Speaker A:That's right.
Speaker A:Talking to Jam and Jacob is like heading into the weekend.
Speaker C:Thank you, David.
Speaker C:Happy Friday.
Speaker C:Happy heading into the weekend.
Speaker A:Happy heading into the weekend.
Speaker A:To you, my friend.
Speaker A:I will let people know the reason that they can email or text, text or call.
Speaker A:But first I will share with you what I am going to be heading into this weekend, which all came about from my Wednesday day off.
Speaker A:Yes, it was 3:15 on a beautiful Wednesday, cold time where the wife and I were just hanging out, enjoying each other's fellowship when she decided she was going to run a little bit of the washing machine, which was fine since we had water running and all our pipes.
Speaker A:Didn't think that was gonna be a big deal.
Speaker A:But guess what, she was wrong.
Speaker A:Because the water backed up into the laundry room.
Speaker A:All of the clothes had all of this weird stuff on it.
Speaker A:I think it was the red dye from a red sheet that she put in there.
Speaker A:And then we had all this stuff on the floor and we were looking at one another going, okey dokey, here's the next part of our afternoon.
Speaker A:So from 3:15 to 5:15 we cleaned up, we tried to work it all out.
Speaker A:We took clothes.
Speaker A:Listen, this is not a joke.
Speaker A:We took the clothes, put them in a bathtub.
Speaker A:We put laundry soap in the bathtub, we rubbed them by hand to get as much stuff out.
Speaker A:We got the washer to work where it was spinning.
Speaker A:It did.
Speaker A:No water.
Speaker A:We disconnected the water, but it was spinning.
Speaker A:So we were able to spin dry it to be able to get it into the dryer.
Speaker A:And we did that for three loads and we had to go back and then the dryer unhooked from the vent and this hose came out.
Speaker A:And that hose came out.
Speaker A:So we had to pull it out, get back there, put it back in and that's what we did for two hours.
Speaker A:That was so much fun.
Speaker A:But here's the great news.
Speaker A:I have this weekend to look forward to.
Speaker A:Four loads of laundry that must be done and my wife has inventory so I will be doing that.
Speaker C:Well, that sounds like you just had a peaceful and lovely Wednesday and then you're going to have a lovely weekend.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:Right up to 3:15 it was really peaceful and nice.
Speaker A:I just do, I did want to say that, you know, like after the show is over, then all things go, you know, it's like, wow.
Speaker A:So anyway, I just want to let everybody know you can be praying for me as I will be Engaging in that.
Speaker A:It won't be difficult by any means, but it will be classic, classic stuff.
Speaker A:And you know what's great about my wife and I is you can get really mad, right?
Speaker A:Because she's like, honey, honey, we got a problem.
Speaker A:We got a problem.
Speaker A:And you get in there and it's like.
Speaker A:But there's nothing you can do about it at the moment except for just deal with it piece by piece.
Speaker A:You can't do anything about it.
Speaker A:We got it all taken care of.
Speaker A:It'll get all fixed, everything.
Speaker A:But it was fun.
Speaker A:It was fun, actually.
Speaker A:I was really proud of both of us not losing it.
Speaker A:I thought that was a pretty good thing right there.
Speaker A:So anyway.
Speaker A:Anyway, I said all that just to say you never know what's coming up, right?
Speaker A:Like on the weekend.
Speaker A:That's what's gonna happen for my weekend.
Speaker A:I would not have believed that until Wednesday came around.
Speaker A:In the meantime, I do wanna remind you, if you do wanna send us an email or text us or call us, it can be for appraised report.
Speaker A:I'm not sure what I just shared is a praise report.
Speaker A:All right, let me rephrase that.
Speaker A:It wasn't appraised report, but it was something that happened.
Speaker A:It can be for something that you need prayer for.
Speaker A:Maybe we do need prayer.
Speaker A:And maybe we need to cast that spirit out of our washer.
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A:We have to still work on that.
Speaker A:We're still figuring that out.
Speaker A:And maybe you've got something you just want to share that the Lord blessed you with.
Speaker A:It was just really encouraging for you.
Speaker A:Just really kind of a cool thing.
Speaker A:Or maybe you can answer this trivia question.
Speaker A:Hmm.
Speaker A:This is coming out of Isaiah, chapter.
Speaker A:I think it's chapter nine, verse 18.
Speaker A:Actually, that could be chapter one, verse 18.
Speaker A:This is coming out of Isaiah.
Speaker A:Isaiah, the Lord said, though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be as.
Speaker A:Here's your four choices.
Speaker A:Wool, manna, Clothes, clouds or water.
Speaker A:Wool, manna, clouds or water.
Speaker A:That is the question that we are asking.
Speaker A:That is how the question is written.
Speaker A:I don't really like how the question is written.
Speaker A:It should be Isaiah 9, 18.
Speaker A:I think that's correct.
Speaker A:So I'll just double check while I'm stalling, just to double check with you guys.
Speaker A:Nope, that's not right either.
Speaker A:It's Isaiah something and let me know if you guys can figure it out.
Speaker A:But the question is for Isaiah.
Speaker A:The Lord said, though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be what, like wool, like manna, like clouds and like water.
Speaker A:If you can get that.
Speaker A:That would be great.
Speaker A:I don't have the time to run it down.
Speaker A:I will give you a chance real fast, though, to step in and help old Dave.
Speaker A:Old Dave.
Speaker A:Just gotta help old Dave.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or send an email davidemustincrease.org okay.
Speaker A:In the meantime, we do have somebody that's calling and probably trying to save Dave.
Speaker A:You know, every once in a while, I need help.
Speaker A:Did you know that?
Speaker A:Did you know that I did everything perfect?
Speaker A:I just want to let you know I don't do everything perfectly.
Speaker A:You know, who knows that better than anybody?
Speaker A:God.
Speaker A:You know who chose me?
Speaker A:God.
Speaker A:You know why?
Speaker A:It's great.
Speaker A:He knows me and he loves me.
Speaker A:Isn't that great?
Speaker A:Isn't that wonderful to know that he knows me and he loves me?
Speaker A:By the way, it should be Isaiah 1:18.
Speaker A:Isaiah 1:18.
Speaker A:We do have somebody on the line.
Speaker A:Let's send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker A:This is Donald.
Speaker A:Hi, how are ya?
Speaker A:Having a good day?
Speaker A:Would the answer be wool?
Speaker A:That is.
Speaker A:Correctamundo, sir.
Speaker A:You are right.
Speaker A:That's right.
Speaker A:Exactly right.
Speaker A:Even though our sins are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.
Speaker A:What color is wool?
Speaker A:It's white.
Speaker A:Excellent job.
Speaker A:Excellent job.
Speaker A:How you doing?
Speaker A:Good, Dave.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:God bless you, brother.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Excellent job.
Speaker A:That's the way you rock and roll.
Speaker A:See, he bailed me out.
Speaker A:Very good job.
Speaker A:And just as he called, I got the inference it was Isaiah 1:18.
Speaker A:Excellent, excellent, excellent.
Speaker A:All right, so what are we gonna do?
Speaker A:We're gonna do our DNA.
Speaker A:You're thinking, well, you're all over the place today.
Speaker A:No, I'm all over the place every day.
Speaker A:Just ask Jim and Jacob.
Speaker A:It's like, yep, we have no idea where it's going.
Speaker A:That's fine.
Speaker A:DNA D stands for draw closer to the Lord Daily.
Speaker A:Now, how often is daily?
Speaker A:And last time I.
Speaker A:Under the dictionary, the word daily meant every day.
Speaker A:And we know that's accurate because Jesus said, when he taught us to pray, give us this day our daily bread two times.
Speaker A:Right there.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:Additionally, David said, I will bring my daily sacrifice.
Speaker A:So we know we need to spend time with the Lord every day.
Speaker A:Why?
Speaker A:Because it'll make our life better.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:We want to sit there and Think we've done God such a great favor spending time with him or why aren't we nice?
Speaker A:We've gone to this church and we've really helped them out.
Speaker A:You know, the real church experience is when you are a part of it and you're all a part of it with the Lord and it's you communing with the Lord.
Speaker A:And the benefit is not you to the church, but God's presence to you.
Speaker A:His actual presence and then the presence that he gives.
Speaker A:That's what we're talking about.
Speaker A:That connection that you'll be spending eternity with God in.
Speaker A:Might as well start practicing, right?
Speaker A:Draw closer to the Lord daily D and never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:I just am amazed there was something on the news.
Speaker A:I won't get into it right now, but it is just amazing how anti Bible the media is.
Speaker A:It's incredible.
Speaker A:And you cannot be ashamed of the word of God and you cannot be ashamed of Jesus.
Speaker A:And if they don't like it, tough.
Speaker A:Somebody told me the other day that they were really fond of the nice Jesus.
Speaker A:Oh, you mean the second Corinthians.
Speaker A:2 Corinthians 11, 4.
Speaker A:Not Bible Jesus.
Speaker A:In other words, only.
Speaker A:Everything Jesus does is peace.
Speaker A:Peace.
Speaker A:Peace never does anything.
Speaker A:Okay, well, don't tell them that he went into the temple and rearranged it.
Speaker A:Don't tell them that he called Peter.
Speaker A:Get behind me, Satan.
Speaker A:Don't tell me they didn't.
Speaker A:How many people are rebuked or challenged?
Speaker A:It's like silly, right?
Speaker A:Never be ashamed of Jesus, ever.
Speaker A:No matter what they try and throw on you.
Speaker A:D Closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:And never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:A Always be ready.
Speaker C:To serve.
Speaker A:Ready to go, Ready to go.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:Are you ready to do whatever the Lord needs you to do right now?
Speaker A:Just right now?
Speaker A:I gotta kinda.
Speaker A:No, you see, what we do, it's true.
Speaker A:What we do in that shortsightedness is we focus specifically on what we are dealing with.
Speaker A:And when we give that much energy and time to the situation that's right in front of us, we don't allow for mind time in things around us.
Speaker A:And the way to change that is to shift from thinking about your issue to other people and their issues and ask the Lord, Lord, can you help me bear their burden and be the brother or sister they need me to be and care about them as much as I'm putting into my own life?
Speaker A:If you just pray that prayer and keep pursuing God, he will answer that, right?
Speaker A:Of course he will.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:Very, very cool.
Speaker A:If you are just asking God, help me to be ready.
Speaker A:If you're not, ask for help.
Speaker A:Every time I go through something and the Lord convinced me I'm like, man, I need your help.
Speaker A:I don't sit there and make an excuse.
Speaker A:I need God's help.
Speaker A:With Him, I can do everything.
Speaker A:Without Him, I can't do anything.
Speaker A:So my improvements need to come with Him.
Speaker A:D Draw closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:N Never be ashamed of Jesus or His words.
Speaker A:A Always be ready to serve.
Speaker A:I'm still going to stick on this and teach this before we exit.
Speaker A:I think it's just worthwhile.
Speaker A:I just want to bring it up to you and make sure that we communicate it together.
Speaker A:There is something very, very important for you and I to understand, and that is simply this.
Speaker A:And you know how the trivia question was just wool.
Speaker A:That was the trivia answer, right?
Speaker A:Watch this.
Speaker A:We need to understand that the Holy Spirit wrote the book, the Bible, in partnership with mankind.
Speaker A:It's called the Bible.
Speaker A:It's the word of God.
Speaker A:It contains what God has to say, what we need to know, and what we need to be equipped.
Speaker A:If you're not reading your Bible, it's because Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes.
Speaker A:I wrote that like a year ago.
Speaker A:Is that hilarious?
Speaker A:And then the trivia question was wool.
Speaker A:That's funny.
Speaker A:Here's what I want you to know.
Speaker A:Second Timothy 3, 16.
Speaker A:All scripture is God breathed.
Speaker A:Why is that important?
Speaker A:How did Adam become alive?
Speaker A:How did Adam become alive?
Speaker A:And no, it wasn't the deep dark dirt that some of those priests say.
Speaker A:It's so ridiculous.
Speaker A:It's the dust, the top cover.
Speaker A:That's what was used.
Speaker A:He used the dust, the top covering above, to create mankind.
Speaker A:But what did God do to give Adam life?
Speaker A:He breathed into Adam.
Speaker A:Well, if all scripture is God breathed, then the breath of God that went into Adam to make him alive is the same breath that went into the Word of God.
Speaker A:And that's why we need to read the Word of God.
Speaker A:Because then the breath of God comes upon us and in us, and we become alive.
Speaker A:In fact, Genesis 2.
Speaker A:7 says, the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.
Speaker A:That breath, all scripture is God breathed.
Speaker A:That's the same breath.
Speaker A:And what does Psalm 19:7 say?
Speaker A:The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul.
Speaker A:You need a kick, you need a jump, you need a lift, you need to be picked up.
Speaker A:The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul.
Speaker A:You need Some restoration.
Speaker A:I know where to send you.
Speaker A:Because all scripture is God breathed, and from his breath we get life.
Speaker A:Ooh, that's cool.
Speaker A:Yeah, I think that's pretty cool.
Speaker A:All right, we'll take a short break and then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Short break.
Speaker A:We'll be back.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker D:Like any person searching for answers, I too have wondered about him.
Speaker D:He has a weird sense of humor.
Speaker D:If people are seeking wisdom and insight from the great teachers around the world, would they go to David?
Speaker D:No, I don't think so.
Speaker D:Those big ears really don't help.
Speaker D:Will people enjoy his perspective on culture, politics, food, sports, and local and national news?
Speaker D:I don't know.
Speaker D:He's just a client.
Speaker D:Tune in to the David Spoon Experience on kaam.
Speaker B:The David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:And that hope that is offered to us is something that is supposed to greatly encourage us.
Speaker A:Jesus brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.
Speaker A:Through the gospel that Jesus died on the cross, he was buried, and three days later, He.
Speaker A:He rose again.
Speaker A:And by faith in the testimony of God, you can live forever.
Speaker A:That hope is offered to us.
Speaker A:If that hope is offered to you and you have not yet accepted, acknowledged, and surrendered to it, I ask you to do so right this second.
Speaker A:I don't even care if you do a fancy prayer.
Speaker A:Just say, God save me, in Jesus name.
Speaker A:You will be saved if you believe that Jesus Christ died on that cross, was buried.
Speaker A:Three days later, he rose again.
Speaker A:And you surrender your heart to Jesus Christ, turning from where you were and turning to him, you will find life.
Speaker A:Right now you might be out there thinking there's no way it can be that easy.
Speaker A:Wrong.
Speaker A:But you have to receive it.
Speaker A:You have to surrender to it.
Speaker A:You have to acknowledge God's testimony and say yes to Jesus Christ.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter what the world says, doesn't matter what your friends say, doesn't matter what any other family member says.
Speaker A:It only matters for your decision before God in regards to his testimony relating to Jesus Christ and your sins.
Speaker A:And that's the hope that is offered to us.
Speaker A:And we can be greatly encouraged by that.
Speaker A:And that hope is an anchor to our soul.
Speaker A:That anchor makes it so that even if the winds are heavy and the waves are intense, we don't get tossed and lost, that there is some stability, that there is some strength.
Speaker A:And you can't be like these people that have no hope.
Speaker A:All there is is this life and there's nothing else.
Speaker A:That's why they're trying to sin their brains out, because they don't think there's anything else left.
Speaker A:But they're going to die and face God and he's going to ask regarding his account that he's given in relationship to Jesus Christ and they're going to have to answer.
Speaker A:And if they have rejected, then they will be as they have placed themselves as people with no hope.
Speaker A:But if you're a person that has not made that decision to say yes to Jesus Christ, make that decision right now.
Speaker A:Welcome back to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's K double amen.
Speaker A:770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Next trivia question, which I think will be a little easier.
Speaker A:Gosh, I hope it'll be a little easier for you people.
Speaker A:I really, really do.
Speaker A:Is the book of Haggai in the Old Testament before or after Song of Solomon?
Speaker A:Is the book of Haggai in the Old Testament before or after the Song of Solomon or the Song of Songs?
Speaker A:Your reference point is the Old Testament.
Speaker A:That's a good one, right?
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or you can send an email.
Speaker A:Davidemustincrease.org is the book of Haggai, which is in the Old Testament, before or after the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon?
Speaker A:If you think, you know, we encourage you to reach out.
Speaker A:I do want to take a moment to cover the event of last night because it was bigger than most people thought.
Speaker A:So we'll still put it under the label of Jake's take and we'll just do a brief discussion and then we'll get into our teaching.
Speaker A:But before we get into that, we do have somebody who's on the line.
Speaker A:So I'm gonna see if they wanna answer the trivia question.
Speaker A:And I think they do.
Speaker A:So let's go ahead and send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker E:This is Gary.
Speaker E:How are you doing today?
Speaker A:I'm doing pretty good, Gary.
Speaker A:I'm doing better than I thought I was gonna be doing.
Speaker A:When we went through our disaster thing with the washing machine.
Speaker E:Like, wow, thank the Lord.
Speaker E:Praise him.
Speaker A:That's exactly what my wife said.
Speaker A:She goes, it wasn't a pipe Problem.
Speaker A:So praise the Lord.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:I mean, that is just so good.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:All right, my brother, I will ask you the question.
Speaker A:You can answer at The Song of Songs, the Song of Solomon, is that before or after?
Speaker A:Is Haggai before or after?
Speaker A:Sorry?
Speaker A:Is Haggai before or after that?
Speaker E:Haggai is after that.
Speaker A:That is correct, Amanda.
Speaker A:Sir, Haggai is after the Song of Songs because the song is the poetry.
Speaker A:Where we have Job and Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, A Song of Songs, that's the poetry.
Speaker A:And then all the minor prophets are after that.
Speaker A:Excellent job, Gary.
Speaker A:Excellent prayer.
Speaker A:Anything changing?
Speaker A:Are we in the same mode or where are we at?
Speaker E:Well, my health needs a lot of improvement.
Speaker E:And the other thing we prayed about, there's been a little headway there, so I thank God.
Speaker E:And I haven't got the other problem, Saul, but there's been some movement.
Speaker A:Yeah, but that's good.
Speaker A:That's always good when it's moving in the right direction.
Speaker A:But let's pray for both those things.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:Okay, let's do it.
Speaker A:Father, we come before you right now.
Speaker A:We thank you, we praise you.
Speaker A:I thank you for my brother Gary, and Lord, I'm glad that he's got some movement in what he's dealing with.
Speaker A:But, Lord, it's not enough.
Speaker A:We need more.
Speaker A:And I don't think there's anything weird about that.
Speaker A:Lord, we need more.
Speaker A:We need.
Speaker A:And we need it to make greater advancements.
Speaker A:We need it to make greater changes.
Speaker A:Lord, we're not done talking about his health, but I'm talking about the circumstance he's in.
Speaker A:Just that there would be better headway, more clarity, more simplicity, more favor in the route, more favor in the process.
Speaker A:More favor in what he needs.
Speaker A:Lord, you can make that if you say yes.
Speaker A:So we ask you to say yes to that.
Speaker E:If he can create a universe, he can, I think, manage to happen, other areas.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Lord God, I'm lifting up Gary to you now and just asking you to bless and bring healing into his body, healing into every part of him, every element that he has going on.
Speaker A:Lord God, we ask you to bring the power of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker A:We ask you to bring the resurrection power that Jesus that was used and connected to you and that you rose from the dead.
Speaker A:That power is unlimited.
Speaker A:And we ask for that power to touch his body and bring healing for him.
Speaker A:He needs your healing.
Speaker A:He can't do it without you.
Speaker A:He needs your help.
Speaker A:We ask you to help Gary physically.
Speaker A:Help him circumstance wise.
Speaker A:Give him, Lord, what He needs.
Speaker A:Give him what he needs for simplicity and for favor and for grace and bless and encourage him.
Speaker A:In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Speaker A:Amen and amen.
Speaker E:Amen.
Speaker E:Thank you very much, and I'll be praying for all of you.
Speaker A:Thank you, brother.
Speaker A:God bless you.
Speaker E:Yeah, God bless you.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Great job by our brother Gary.
Speaker A:Let's get into this next teaching.
Speaker A:We're in 1 Samuel, 1:13.
Speaker A:Get ready.
Speaker A:Here it goes.
Speaker A:As for Hannah, she was speaking in her heart, only her lips were moving, but her voice was not heard.
Speaker A:So Eli thought she was drunk.
Speaker A:This is 1 Samuel, 1 13.
Speaker A:As for Hannah, she was speaking in her heart, only her lips were moving, but her voice was not heard.
Speaker A:So Eli thought she was drunk.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:You can pray to God without moving your mouth, or you can pray to God without sound coming out.
Speaker A:You can ask you and I can ask God from within us, as we know that Nehemiah did the same thing, offering up a prayer while he was standing before the king, because if he had prayed in front of the king, he would have been executed.
Speaker A:When you are in a situation and you are not able to verbalize it does not mean you cannot pray.
Speaker A:We've got something going on right now in Europe, where people who are silently praying are being persecuted and prosecuted, which is amazing.
Speaker A:But you need to be aware that you can always pray no matter where you are.
Speaker A:You can pray to God without sound by calling out to God from the depth of your heart.
Speaker A:And so some teachings in the church will say, only verbalized prayer is acceptable.
Speaker A:That's rubbish.
Speaker A:There is a benefit for you hearing your prayers.
Speaker A:There's a benefit because you know what you've spoken unto God.
Speaker A:But the legalism doesn't stand up to Scripture because Nehemiah prayed silently, Hannah prayed silently, both of their prayers were answered.
Speaker A:And I'm just bringing this up to make a point.
Speaker A:If you ever get laryngitis, if you're following those other weirder teachings, you can't pray.
Speaker A:But remember, God knows every thought.
Speaker A:You don't have to speak it out to pray it.
Speaker A:It's good to speak it out, to hear it, to affirm it to yourself, but it doesn't need to be that way.
Speaker A:And sometimes when I'm talking with somebody and I can tell that the situation has passed me while they're sharing with me, I do that quick, Lord, open up my mind so I can hear what you want, understand what you want, for me to communicate.
Speaker A:But I say it in my heart to the Lord.
Speaker A:And he answers it.
Speaker A:You can pray anywhere you want, anytime you want.
Speaker A:The door is open from the Lord.
Speaker A:Stop putting formulas in it.
Speaker A:Stop putting it in a box.
Speaker A:Start just doing it by faith.
Speaker A:Because when you pray with faith, God loves it and responds.
Speaker A:Get that?
Speaker A:Cool.
Speaker A:Take a short break and then we'll come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the true station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Short break.
Speaker A:We'll be back.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker F:Hey there.
Speaker F:It's amazing Jennifer.
Speaker F:And I am helping out the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker F:As you may know, I basically run the KAAM radio station.
Speaker A:Amazing.
Speaker F:And Dr.
Speaker F:Dave is looking for a few good people to join and become representative ambassadors and stewards of this here radio ministry.
Speaker F:Now, you may be thinking, well, I'd love to get involved, but I'm not very qualified for ministerial positions.
Speaker F:Well, the truth is that because you are a child of our Heavenly Father, that you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you seek to live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker F:You have all you need to be a part of this ministry.
Speaker F:But, Jennifer, don't I need to be perfect?
Speaker F:No.
Speaker F:Just go to hemustincrease.org that's hemustincreased.org click on the three lines at the top right of the website and then click on the Ambassador's Initiative link.
Speaker F:Just fill out the form and we will reach out to you.
Speaker F:But sorry, no parking tickets will be paid for you as an ambassador through this position.
Speaker F:You your own with that, the David.
Speaker A:Spoon Experience again, Dr.
Speaker A:Robert Jeffress.
Speaker A:Doctor, are you there with us?
Speaker G:I'm here with you, David.
Speaker A:I'm so glad that you're here.
Speaker A:I gotta ask you this question.
Speaker A:You know, I get a little fiery, especially when Christians are being accused of things that are false.
Speaker A:And that happens all the time, especially in the media.
Speaker A:And I think if you remember our very first time we ever talked, I told you how impressed I was with you that you were able to keep your spirit steady.
Speaker G:Well, I appreciate that so much.
Speaker G:You're a good friend.
Speaker A:I appreciate that.
Speaker A:Here's the thing that drives me absolutely batty, which is where I need your help.
Speaker A:Now.
Speaker A:I understand this situation with Tim Tebow.
Speaker A:He was gonna do a dedication for you.
Speaker A:He got a lot of pressure, apparently from the media.
Speaker A:The media accused you of being homophobic and anti Semitic, which for me, I mean, it was.
Speaker A:I guess when I first heard it, I was overwhelmed.
Speaker A:First of all, anti Semitic is a person who discriminates against or is prejudice or hostile Towards Jews.
Speaker A:You've been on that show now, this is three time, and I'm as Jewish as they come.
Speaker G:Yeah, well, David, I mean, the charge of anti Semitic comes from saying that everyone, including Jews, must trust in Christ in order to go to heaven.
Speaker G:That is hardly anti Semitic.
Speaker G:In fact, I have a Jewish friend in New York who called me this week.
Speaker G:She's not a Christian, but she said, I don't understand all of this.
Speaker G:Said, I don't believe in the New Testament.
Speaker G:But you do.
Speaker G:You're simply saying what the New Testament says.
Speaker G:And you know, David, we've said before, you know, Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth and the life.
Speaker G:No man comes to the Father but by me.
Speaker G:And I remind people Jesus was not a Southern Baptist evangelist.
Speaker G:He was a Jewish rabbi.
Speaker G:And yet you look at what he said, what the Apostle Paul said, the Apostle Peter.
Speaker G:Here are the three most prominent men of the New Testament, every one of them a devout Jew.
Speaker G:And yet they said there's one way to God and that's through faith in Christ.
Speaker G:That is not anti Semitic sometimes.
Speaker A:Welcome back to that David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's Ka.
Speaker A:Amen 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:You have to love some of the things that are going.
Speaker A:I love when the Lord is doing teachings to different directions, different elements.
Speaker A:That's why I really do enjoy Fridays on the DD.
Speaker A:DDDs.
Speaker A:All right, let's see if you guys can get this one.
Speaker A:This is a pretty challenging one.
Speaker A:In what city was Paul the Apostle born?
Speaker A:In what city was Paul the Apostle born?
Speaker A:Was it in Bethzur, Tarsus, Sekake or Ezangibur?
Speaker A: Your answer is in Acts: Speaker A:What city was the Apostle Paul born?
Speaker A:Is it Bethzur, Tarsus, Sekaka or Isangibor?
Speaker A:One of those four are going to be your answer.
Speaker A:In the meantime, I do want to send you up to the website.
Speaker A:I will tell you this and I'll just share it with you.
Speaker A:We exist by the donations of our listeners and we've had a tough couple of eight, nine weeks.
Speaker A:We're real, real low.
Speaker A:But we need your help.
Speaker A:We've got Radio Rank coming about a week from today and we need to be able to pull it back up.
Speaker A:I'm asking for everybody to help out the best they can.
Speaker A:Please check out the opportunities to give on the website.
Speaker A:If you're not comfortable doing that, you can do it directly with me after the show.
Speaker A:Check it out@hemustincrease.org Prayer request.
Speaker A:Hemostincrease.org Praise report.
Speaker A:Hemustincreased.org Looking to give to this ministry.
Speaker A:Hemustincreased.org Confused by what's happening right now.
Speaker A:Hemustincrease.org Hemustincrease.org yeah, we're just getting ready for it.
Speaker A:Somebody is ready to answer the trivia question.
Speaker A:Let's send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker H:Shabbat Shalom.
Speaker H:David.
Speaker H:This is jd.
Speaker A:Hey, jd, My Bic.
Speaker A:How are ya?
Speaker H:I'm doing better than I deserve.
Speaker H:Thank you very much.
Speaker A:Amen, brother.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Ain't that the truth?
Speaker A:That is really the truth.
Speaker A:It is.
Speaker A:All right, my brother, let me set you up and then you can hit it from there.
Speaker A:What city was the Apostle Paul born in?
Speaker A:Was it Beth, Zuri, Tarsus, Sekaka, or Isangibor?
Speaker H:What's behind door number two?
Speaker H:Tarshish?
Speaker A:That is correct.
Speaker A:Amanda, you are so right.
Speaker A:That is excellent job, my brother.
Speaker A:Excellent, excellent work.
Speaker A:How art thou, ABHI nimba?
Speaker H:General, I have a praise report a couple of weeks ago and I haven't had a chance to call you to tell you.
Speaker H:I Saturday morning went to leave and my battery was dead and we tried to charge it to jump.
Speaker H:It wouldn't go.
Speaker H:Took it to AutoZone.
Speaker H:It was still under full warranty.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker H:A dime.
Speaker A:Praise the Lord.
Speaker A:Don't you love that?
Speaker A:Isn't that the best?
Speaker A:That's like, oh, that's so good.
Speaker A:That's phenomenal.
Speaker A:I bet that's so blood.
Speaker A:I bet you were like, praise the Lord.
Speaker A:Praise God.
Speaker H:Yeah.
Speaker H:Pointed my finger up and said, I got you.
Speaker H:Thank you very much.
Speaker H:I appreciate it.
Speaker A:Awesome.
Speaker A:That is great, great testimony.
Speaker A:I really.
Speaker A:It's awesome because it just worked out so good for you.
Speaker A:It's a great blessing and I really appreciate you sharing that, people.
Speaker A:That's a great thing to hear.
Speaker A:People need to know that the Lord's got us.
Speaker A:He's got us covered.
Speaker H:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Excellent, bro.
Speaker A:Excellent work.
Speaker A:Love it.
Speaker H:Well, have fun with your washing machine this weekend.
Speaker A:Thank you, brother.
Speaker A:I appreciate.
Speaker H:I hope you get it resolved and whatever.
Speaker H:You can't pull your hair out?
Speaker H:Unfortunately, no.
Speaker A:Not a lot of room there.
Speaker A:Get it resolved.
Speaker A:We will get it fixed.
Speaker A:I have a feeling that will get taken care of.
Speaker H:Okay, excellent.
Speaker H:Have a blessed one.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:You too, brother.
Speaker A:God bless you.
Speaker H:Thank you.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:All right, we're going to do our sports one real fast and then I'M going to do this teaching.
Speaker A:This teaching is super important.
Speaker A:How do I say that?
Speaker A:Do you say super duper important by saying super duper important, or do you just tell people it's really important or.
Speaker A:You'll just have to see.
Speaker A:All right, first, let's do our sports thing.
Speaker A:We'll do it under Jake's take, I think.
Speaker A:All right, my friend.
Speaker A:Many people did, in fact, tune in the game yesterday.
Speaker A:Can you give a quick recap on the game?
Speaker A:I think that's worthwhile.
Speaker C:So we had a great hockey game last night between USA and Canada, back and forth the whole entire game, and then in overtime, Canada wins three to two.
Speaker C:It was.
Speaker C:It was a great game, though.
Speaker C:We.
Speaker C:I know we talked about.
Speaker C:You said that they were going to have a national crisis or.
Speaker C:They said they were going to have a national crisis and they didn't win.
Speaker C:Well, Canada won.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker A:There was some concern that Canada might have a national crisis if they lost.
Speaker A:And so fortunately, in that case, we didn't really want them to have a national crisis.
Speaker A:And I think that was a great game, but really great for hockey.
Speaker A:There's nothing bizarre or weird.
Speaker A:There's a lot of people singing the national anthem for America.
Speaker A:I mean, everybody in the stadium did.
Speaker A:That part's really cool.
Speaker A:And it was fun.
Speaker A:And some people got to watch hockey.
Speaker A:They never got a chance to really see it.
Speaker A:And I just.
Speaker A:I like.
Speaker A:I like hockey.
Speaker A:It's just a sport that I grew up with.
Speaker A:I was forced to because when I was in diapers, my parents took me because they've had season tickets.
Speaker A:The Spoons have had season tickets to the red wings since 36 or something.
Speaker A: Like: Speaker A:Something way, way back.
Speaker A:That long?
Speaker A:I mean, it's been that long, everybody.
Speaker C:So like you said, it was great for hockey because, you know, everybody was tuning into the game, but it was also a great game.
Speaker C:It wasn't like a team won 5 to 0 or something and it was just over, you know, by the halfway point.
Speaker C:No, it was.
Speaker C:It was a great game.
Speaker C:Back and forth the whole time.
Speaker A:Yeah, I thought it was very enjoyable.
Speaker A:Went long.
Speaker A:You know, it gets a little long.
Speaker A:I had somebody text me, say, what's the deal in between the periods?
Speaker A:Why is there so much time in between the periods?
Speaker A:And I just said, number one, that's where they sell you stuff.
Speaker A:Well, it's true.
Speaker C:That's where they get the commercials in.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:See, when you're in the stadium, they do things for the crowd.
Speaker A:So they do music and they do little entertainment things.
Speaker A:And some People get to go out on the ice and they get to hit a puck from the middle of the rink.
Speaker A:You get to shoot a puck and they have this like 8 inch box that covers.
Speaker A:Everything's covered in the goal except this 8 inch box.
Speaker A:But if you get it through the box, you win like a thousand dollars or $5,000, depending on what it is.
Speaker A:So, I mean, some of it's entertaining when you're there.
Speaker A:Not so much on tv, let me just say that.
Speaker C:So it's like, it's like with basketball, like during halftime, they'll have somebody shoot a half court shot to win money.
Speaker A:Yeah, the same thing.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I thought it was interesting.
Speaker A:I thought it was fun.
Speaker A:That's what was good.
Speaker A:It was more fun.
Speaker A:I know it was about nations and so and so, but it wasn't actually political.
Speaker A:It was actually called fun in sports.
Speaker C:And I like that it was competitive.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's good.
Speaker A:At least it wasn't a blowout.
Speaker A:You're right.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Excellent job, by the way.
Speaker A:Thank you for that.
Speaker A:And you will find out, as we will find out.
Speaker A:I think that was going to be one of the most watched hockey games in years is what they were already saying.
Speaker A:Right, Right.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C:The official numbers haven't come out yet, but a lot of people tuned in last night, so.
Speaker C:Well, we'll see what the official numbers are.
Speaker C:They're going to be high, which is great.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's a very cool thing.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:I want to go to this teaching.
Speaker A:This is the wow.
Speaker A:So I get to share with you guys some of the things that I come across.
Speaker A:And I don't want you to get the weird idea, you know, I'll teach something.
Speaker A:And it's like, well, gosh, I've mastered this.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:That doesn't happen.
Speaker A:I am a growing Christian.
Speaker A:In every facet there is growing in grace, growing in mercy, growing in understanding, growing in my relationship with the Lord, growing in the challenges that I create for myself, as well as what the enemy creates and other things.
Speaker A:I think this simple teaching is one of those that you just.
Speaker A:You gold star it.
Speaker A:Because it exactly applies.
Speaker A:Ready?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:You ready?
Speaker A:It's not even going to be long.
Speaker A:The best teachings are not always long.
Speaker A:Trust me.
Speaker A:Me, I call this the most painful.
Speaker A:DD DDDD Ruth 3, 18.
Speaker A:Ruth 3 18.
Speaker A:Really?
Speaker A:Yep.
Speaker A:This is Ruth and Naomi, right?
Speaker A:Then she said, wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out.
Speaker A:That's the text.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:You're welcome.
Speaker A:Listen.
Speaker A:Listen to this teaching.
Speaker A:Then she said, wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out, first and foremost.
Speaker A:Wait.
Speaker A:Don't you love it?
Speaker A:Hurry up and stop.
Speaker A:Hurry up and stop.
Speaker A:You know, we are all so patient, aren't we?
Speaker A:We know exactly how God should do, when God should do all the things God should do.
Speaker A:And then we tell him.
Speaker A:And we know better.
Speaker A:I mean, we do know better.
Speaker A:But listen to this advice.
Speaker A:Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out.
Speaker A:The first thing that's being communicated is to wait.
Speaker A:And then the next thing is quite fascinating until you know, not until you guess.
Speaker A:And what we do is we don't wait and then we guess.
Speaker A:And that creates problems, that creates anxiety, it creates frustration, it creates a difficulty to operate in faith because we don't actually know what's taking place.
Speaker A:You ever wonder why Jesus said, if you say unto the mountain, be thou removed and cast into the sea.
Speaker A:And you're sitting there thinking, well, I have faith for this situation.
Speaker A:Sometimes the mountain isn't even really a mountain, and you're trying to throw faith at something that doesn't even exist.
Speaker A:And that's not a brilliant tactic.
Speaker A:So here in Ruth 3:18, it's wait, my daughter, until you know.
Speaker A:Not until you guess, not until you surmise, not until you take all the information and make a great evaluation.
Speaker A:But until you know, wait until you know how the matter turns out.
Speaker A:So there's three steps there.
Speaker A:Wait, wait until you know, and wait until you know to see what actually turns out.
Speaker A:So the question is, as simple as that teaching is, why is that so difficult?
Speaker A:Why can't we just wait on the timing from the Lord?
Speaker A:What makes it difficult for you and I to be steadfast and to wait on the Lord?
Speaker A:What makes it hard?
Speaker A:What makes it frustrating?
Speaker A:I'll tell you right now, the lack of control is what makes it hard.
Speaker A:We keep thinking.
Speaker A:You go back to the very first thing that was said in this show, and it's like, like trusting God is the better answer than trying to do all the other stuff.
Speaker A:Why?
Speaker A:Because first of all, we don't even know what's actually going on.
Speaker A:We don't know how the matter is going to turn out.
Speaker A:We're not waiting.
Speaker A:And then because of this lack of control, we can't control it.
Speaker A:We have to wait.
Speaker A:And to wait means we have to trust.
Speaker A:And to trust means we need to get our hands off of it.
Speaker A:How's that for type A personality, people?
Speaker A:Don't touch it.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:Well, I'm supposed to do everything possible until there's nothing left, and then at that moment, call upon the name of God.
Speaker A:Wrong.
Speaker A:That's not how you do it.
Speaker A:We're supposed to start every situation calling on the name of God.
Speaker A:We're supposed to stay in every situation calling on the name of God.
Speaker A:And we're supposed to close every situation calling on the name of God.
Speaker A:He's not the last resort.
Speaker A:He's not the last thing we pull out of the wallet, so to speak.
Speaker A:Well, all else fails, I'll just put it on a credit card.
Speaker A:It's like the last thing we do.
Speaker A:It's like, stop, wait, my daughter.
Speaker A:I think that's very personalized.
Speaker A:I think I'll add a fourth thing in here.
Speaker A:Wait is the first thing my daughter or my son, my child.
Speaker A:We should add that in there until you know how the matter turns out.
Speaker A:If we could wait in trust, we can wait without anxiety, fear, frustration, disappointment, or any other thing that moves us in the wrong direction and moves us off the needle.
Speaker A:Because as it turns out, and we find out, I want to point out that God already knew what was going to happen and has already coordinated on our behalf.
Speaker A:Just think about that.
Speaker A:Maybe we should stress a little less, wait for the timing a little more.
Speaker A:Be confident that God knows exactly what's going to turn out.
Speaker A:Trust him until he manifests to us what it is, and try to control things less and trust more.
Speaker A:Because then we'd be operating outside of ourselves in this thing called faith.
Speaker A:Huh.
Speaker A:I wonder if God would like that, huh?
Speaker A:I don't think I have to repeat that question or that teaching.
Speaker A:Then she said, wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out.
Speaker A:Yes, Lord.
Speaker A:That's the teaching.
Speaker A:That's the response.
Speaker A:Take a short break and then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the true station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker I:I was driving down I30 yesterday, and when it was stop and go traffic, there's, I guess, an accident up ahead.
Speaker I:So I was Putting along at 20 miles an hour, 15 miles an hour, and this little sports car would speed up and get right beside me.
Speaker I:And then he fall back, you know, just kind of.
Speaker I:We're shuffling back and forth.
Speaker I:He'd go.
Speaker I:And I go.
Speaker I:And he'd go.
Speaker I:And I go.
Speaker I:And I just was watching out of the corner of my eye and just kind of mindlessly driving at 20 miles an hour.
Speaker I:And then all of a sudden I hear this little beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
Speaker I:And I said, oh, what did I do?
Speaker I:I looked out of the corner of my eye, and he's.
Speaker I:He drove right up next to me.
Speaker I:He had his windows rolled down, and he gave me a big old thumbs up.
Speaker I:I said, what does he give me a thumbs up for?
Speaker I:I was kind of expecting when you have somebody honking at you, expecting something else, you know.
Speaker I:And then I realized I have that bumper sticker on.
Speaker I:That's it.
Speaker I:No, God created the universe.
Speaker I:He can write a book.
Speaker I:And then he just sped off.
Speaker I:Not.
Speaker I:Well, he slowly drove off at 20 miles an hour.
Speaker I:But I just thought that was neat.
Speaker I:That's the first time that anybody really gives a thumbs up for a bumper sticker.
Speaker I:Usually people that have bumper stickers, it's to hold their bumper on their car.
Speaker I:But I just wanted to share that story.
Speaker A:That is an awesome story.
Speaker A:First of all, it's really good that he gave you a thumbs up and didn't use any other fingers.
Speaker A:So let's just say that's for sure.
Speaker A:And then the other part about that is that that's cool because whether he's listening to the show or not, he agrees with you, knows that that's true.
Speaker A:Hey, look, God created the universe.
Speaker A:The dude can write a book.
Speaker A:Let's just get that.
Speaker A:Let's get that squared away, you know?
Speaker I:Yes.
Speaker I:And you know what?
Speaker I:He might be listening to the story, to the.
Speaker I:To the radio now.
Speaker A:That's exactly right.
Speaker A:What a blessing.
Speaker A:That's cool.
Speaker A:And we do have those bumper stickers.
Speaker A:We only have so many, but we were, as we get this, we're going to do an ambassador program, and that'll give people an opportunity to put the bumper sticker on their car if they want to.
Speaker A:And nobody wants you to do anything to your car.
Speaker A:You don't want to.
Speaker A:But I really, really appreciate you sharing that story, and that is a great story.
Speaker A:And see, every time we're in traffic, we think something bad's going to happen.
Speaker A:Instead, hey, there was something good that happened.
Speaker A:Somebody standing with you in the faith, perhaps a fellow listener, saying, right on.
Speaker A:That's the right target.
Speaker A:I bet that blessed you at the moment.
Speaker A:Didn't.
Speaker I:Sure did.
Speaker I:It sure did.
Speaker A:That's cool.
Speaker A:That's a great story.
Speaker A:I love that.
Speaker A:Oh, good job.
Speaker A:Good job in being an ambassador.
Speaker A:Just by sharing that bumper sticker and just by proclaiming the truth.
Speaker A:Some people will read that and they might go, I don't know.
Speaker A:But it sure challenges a lot of people, doesn't it?
Speaker A:It's like, you got to think that through, don't you?
Speaker A:The David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Oh, welcome back to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's Ka Amen 770, the Truth Stationeer in Texas.
Speaker A:Just going to close out with a very short teaching because we just don't have any more time.
Speaker A:I'm telling you, we need a two hour show.
Speaker A:First Samuel 2:1.
Speaker A:Going back to Hannah.
Speaker A:Then Hannah prayed and said, my heart exults in the Lord.
Speaker A:My horn is exalted in the Lord.
Speaker A:My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies because I rejoice in your salvation.
Speaker A:Just so you can know how this situation sets up, Hannah in her situation was in prayer and she got her prayer answered for a child.
Speaker A:And so we get this understanding.
Speaker A:She's very happy about this, right?
Speaker A:She prays, right?
Speaker A:She's now responding.
Speaker A:She said the prayer answered.
Speaker A:God has granted her request.
Speaker A:And remember what Jesus said.
Speaker A:Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.
Speaker A:Answered prayer brings about joy and satisfaction of being connected with God.
Speaker A:But she adds something that it should remind us of and that is the bottom line to our faith.
Speaker A:It's this.
Speaker A:Hannah prayed and said, my heart exalts in the Lord.
Speaker A:That's for answered prayer.
Speaker A:My horn is exalted before the Lord.
Speaker A:My mouth speaks boldly against enemies because I rejoice in your salvation.
Speaker A:Listen, answered prayer is cool.
Speaker A:Answered prayer means that you're connected with the Lord and that that connection is active.
Speaker A:And that doesn't mean only prayers where the Dead Sea opens up.
Speaker A:It's all things that the Lord is doing with you.
Speaker A:But the greater reason for rejoicing.
Speaker A:Same thing Jesus said to his disciples.
Speaker A:Don't rejoice because the devils are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.
Speaker A:The greater joy, the greater element, the greater power that you and I have to get through each and every day and push past it is you're saved.
Speaker A:You're saved.
Speaker A:You're going to heaven.
Speaker A:You're going to be dancing on streets of gold.
Speaker A:Your life is going to be so phenomenal, your brain right now can't comprehend the level of awesomeness that you're going to exist in.
Speaker A:And if that's not a reason to rejoice, then we're nuts.
Speaker A:It's gonna be phenomenal and past anything we've ever thought of as phenomenal.
Speaker A:That is a reason to rejoice always.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:Right on.
Speaker A:All right, folks, you have been listening to the David Spoon experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Taking a 72 and 1 half hour break.
Speaker A:Then we'll come back More insanity with spoonanity.
Speaker A:Talk to you then.
Speaker A:The views expressed on the preceding program were those of the speakers and not necessarily those of kaam, DJRD Broadcasting or its sponsors.