The David Spoon Experience Part 2 9-23-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) God the Father will be sending Jesus Christ back to the earth. We need to be ready. Jesus is coming again. He walked the earth once, in human form. He will return in like fashion with His resurrected body. The problem with the church is that people ONLY want Jesus to come again, not to have to face ANY troubles. We should want Jesus to return because of how awesome He is, not just to escape.
2) Until the times of restoration. Get ready. Here is a mind-blower. A twig twister and brain blitz; The Father won’t send the Son until every person that needs to be converted is converted. That’s a top reason to keep witnessing to people. You may share the grace of God with the VERY LAST PERSON that needs to hear and respond to Jesus. Don’t miss that possibility.
3) Since the world began. Just stop and think about this. Don’t rush through this. Slow down. Consider that God has been sharing bits and pieces of His plan since the earth made its debut. The Garden of Eden gave witness. The post sin prophets gave witness. The post-Jesus Christ prophets gave witness. Prophets still give witness. The Holy Spirit gives witness. And the Bible continually gives witness. That’s a lot of witnesses.