The David Spoon Experience Part 2 9-17-21
2 1/2 years in Texas! Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Peta could stand for People Eating Tasty Animals. Let’s get it straight. Jesus declares the truth about people and animals. And Peta will not like where they end up in this discussion. Jesus died for people. He did not die for dolly the sheep or lamb-chop the puppet. He died for you and me. That’s even more impressive than loving animals because of some people that we know.
2) There are various things that Samuel summarizes for the people of Israel to follow after they received Saul as king. First, they had sinned by asking to be led by a human instead of God. This tells us that God may answer prayer, even if poorly considered, to teach us a lesson. I’ve had that happen to me. But even in that case, God gives us instructions for recovery. We examine what that is.
3) Spiritual tactical strategies are good to know for spiritual warfare. First, we analyze a common spiritual tactic that the devil throws in our direction that we may not be watching for. Then, we address a spiritual tactical response. Applying this approach will help us to prevail against the kingdom of darkness.