The David Spoon Experience Part 2 9-13-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) If we consider the words of our enemy, the devil, as he tried to prove that Job was an unreliable follower, we find an interesting truth; In Job, 1:10, it reads Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? So even counting all the warfare and the troubles we face, God has an extensive hedge around us. And we have to remember how much DOES NOT get through.
2) And now, Lord, what can we say? As Ezra is praying for Israel and himself, he does not go into self-justification made. He owns the sins of God’s chosen people as his own. A little wisdom for us holy than thou people. This is specifically regarding God’s people. And he lays the problem squarely on the command of God being forgotten or ignored.
3) Every land has a few (even if only a few) righteous and many sinful people in it. For an example, see Sodom and Gomorrah. BUT we need to understand that in the mind of God, defilement of the land is not using its resources. EVER! It is the sinful practice of the people. And being sanctified, or set apart for God, is not allowing the sinful people’s philosophy to be our own. Otherwise, there is no difference. Not good.