The David Spoon Experience Part 2 9-1-21
ONE OF OUR TOP SHOWS: Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) We get before the Lord, and we know there are so many things, so many possibilities, and so many challenges that we come to our private prayer time with an awesome list of things to review with God. And we often skip the truth that God is omniscient and that he doesn’t need our list. He wants our heart, not our To-Do list.
2) How much noise are we letting into our universe between the left and the right ear? Have we bought into the lie that if we don’t watch the news and check out websites on the Internet every hour of every day, then we will be behind in the politics and the social happenings of the world around us? Do we tune in to feed our seething? That’s living in the world, just the way the enemy wants you to—too much noise.
3) The only question that we need to answer to be “informed” is to hear Jesus speaking to us? He speaks all the time. So let’s do something different. Let’s talk about HOW we hear Jesus on a day-by-day level. Then, perhaps when we hear the news, we will understand that the stories were already written many, many ages ago.