The David Spoon Experience Part 2 9-01-22 1000 SHOWS
Begin at the end: Dave gives his "practical" approach to prayer in lieu of the Trinity at the end of this hour. 1) The people with Saul were on a mission to help him. There is an often unseen principle that happens here. With no intent from saul, God’s encounter with him has a spill-over effect on those around him. In better phrasing, what Jesus was doing to Saul immediately impacted those with Saul, even though they didn’t understand it fully. They heard something but saw nothing. This was a nifty way for God to witness to those around Saul because they knew something powerful was taking place. 2) Saul got up off the ground after being knocked off his donkey and onto his keister. He was blind. So, a light beamed down on Saul, he got knocked down, Jesus spoke to him, and he was blind. Thi sis why everyone needs to be a little more humble about their own wisdom in free will and predestination. Man makes choices. Freely. And God ALREADY knows those choices. Nothing catches Him by surprise. But in this case, unless you are in denial, you can toss free will out the door. 3) For the sake of clarity, Saul was not blinded by the light, rubbed his eyes, and then everything was back to normal. He could not chalk this up to too many burritos the night before. Instead, he had an encounter with God. And God was not too happy with him. And he REMAINED blind for three days. It’s just like the three days of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Yep, God is always giving witness.