The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-31-2022
This 60-minutes is about: 1) Christian Kaos, part three: A tale of two cities. A tale of three kings. A tale of four Jews. That’s the ticker, and here we go: Four Jewish Christians, all from the same city in Detroit, Michigan, all living in the same neighborhood, two of which were, and still are, best friends. All were saying yes to Jesus within thirty days of each other. And all on fire for Jesus ChristAfter that, we were known as The Four Musketeers. 2) We had a pseudo-church that went nowhere. Then, Ken left for a month-long journey, and the Lord grew the church from nothing to something. When Ken returned, the church returned to slim pickings. Then, pastor Ken started getting involved in our personal decisions. Where we would live, what jobs we should or shouldn’t take, people we could date, and people we could be friends with. The final decision for group approval became Ken’s thumbs up or his thumbs down. 3) Later, a new dynamic emerged. Ken told us that if we needed to get counseling, he was available for anything large or small. No costs and no worries about privacy. He told us it was as sacred as sharing with an attorney when we counseled a pastor. And he promised that nobody would ever hear about it, and he would never judge us no matter what he heard. We didn’t know any better. And a man of God would never lie. Ken lied. And it was brutal.