The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-26-2022
Wrong ear bonanza! Sometimes, repeating something is highly valuable. This is why there are four Gospels. For example, Paul writes, “It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you” in Philippians 3. It is the same reason that there are hundreds of prophecies for the first and second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. And this is why I share this truth with you, again and again. There is trial and triumph. There is wandering and winning. There is a cross and a crown. 2) Here is a prophetic word for the church that is NOT professionally or prophetically being given with style and charisma. It will not come with a “Thus sayeth the Lord…” or some particular type of pyrotechnic show. After all, this is radio. It is prophetic because it shares the heart of God (1) and foretells the future (2). These are the two marks of a prophecy. It is from the Word of God, which is more reliable than any government or media. The Word of God has been around a lot longer and will around be around long after these entities cease to exist. 3) God is a God of REDEMPTION. And this day, sooner than later, is coming that the REDEMPTION will arrive. His name is Jesus. Get ready.