The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-18-21
One of our best shows:
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Some people love to push sinful things as far as they can. It's not because they are brilliant strategists. It's because of their wickedness. And God is aware of their words and deeds. So, at the proper time and in the proper fashion, they will hear from God. And they won't like it. But before the eternal door closes, He will still give them space to turn.
2) Some people hate sinful things as much as is within them. It's not because they are phony baloney. It's because of their deepest desire to walk in Christlikeness. And God is aware of their words and deeds. So, at the proper time and in the proper fashion, they will hear from God. And He will give them space for deliverance and healing.
3) There is wisdom to the Christian walk. It is cited in the Book of Proverbs and throughout the Scriptures. It's not complex. It is the opposite of complex. It's so simple that from time to time, it's hard to do. Not because we can't, but because we are so prideful and stubborn.