The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-17-2022
TOP SHOW! This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Oh boy, is this going to be fun. Have you ever had a meeting for something and dreading it? You know the lay of the land, and you are pretty sure you know how it will go. And it feels like a future drag. Yeah, I had that happen to me on several occasions. Once, I had a meeting in Escondido. I went from Valley Center descending (get it?) into Escondido. However, something weird happened. The meeting that was supposed to drain me sustained me. It was an extraordinary meeting, and I was blessed by it. What I thought was going to happen was wrong. 2) How Jobinian is this? We often anticipate that things will go one way and go in a different direction. However, we think we know all of it, so we feel comfortable making our astute evaluation. We judge the matter in our indisputable wisdom. It can be faith, family, friends, co-workers, or other circumstances. But we often stand as judge and jury, a dangerous place for Christians to reside. 3) Let’s slow down. Let’s relax. Let’s breathe. We need to ask the essential question in every situation. Let’s stop being people who judge something before we have the facts. Specifically, we need to ask…what about the God Factor? Let’s find out if there is a God-Thing in play. Do we really know?