The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-12-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Have you ever gone somewhere that leaves an impression? I remember going to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. It was a pathetic and old amusement park. But not to a ten-year-old kid. It was glorious. I also remember watching the Beach Boys at Pine Knob. We sat on the rough and brittle grass. But I loved my first concert. We go to certain places because they make a lasting impression on us. Now, where can we go every week that will affect the rest of our lives? 2) Everyone has heard the parable of the Good Samaritan. What a guy. Even though this guy is NOT real, he is a character in a story told by Jesus. We examine a few of the other main characters in His story. There must be a reason that Jesus included them in it. What was Jesus trying to tell us when He brought the two religious people into focus? 3) I love to pray. Truth be told, after as much time, everyone in my family knows to leave me alone during this time. If it is a REAL emergency, they can “break in” to tell me. But this is my alone time with God. It is the prayer time of fellowship and communion. So here is a solid piece of advice. Change it up every so often. Do something different when you are alone with God. Talk to Him, but don’t bring up one thing on your list. Just talk to Him.