The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-11-2022
Top Show: This 60-minutes is all about: ANSWERED PRAYERS! 1) Meanwhile, as the story is carrying on at about the same time, there was a guy named Saul. He hated the church. Why? The church challenged everything he studied, trained for, and believed for. So he went after the people of God with eagerness. He was so filled with contempt for the Way followers that he threatened them with every breath. This was a man breathing, drinking, and eating with the attitude of destroying the church. Sadly, this same spirit is alive and well in many people in our country and the world. 2) He went after the followers of the Way, whether men or women. This is proof positive that there was no disrespect for women by many religious leaders. On the contrary, they were equally hated along with the men. So there. It also shows that the hatred for authentic Christians runs past any form of societal definition. If a person loved Jesus and the family of believers, Paul was an equal opportunity persecutor. 3) A brilliant light “beamed down on him,” which is the real Star Trek. He fell to the ground and heard the Lord. This almost sounds like an alien encounter. Oh wait, it is…for Saul. Then something happened that doesn’t often get enough attention. Saul, a future vessel for advancing the kingdom of God, engaged in a conversation with Jesus. Jesus said something, Saul said something, and then Jesus said something. We call that a conversation.