The David Spoon Experience Part 2 8-04-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) The response of the eunuch is powerful. First, he hears the Gospel from Phillip, which entirely consists of Good News. Therefore, the Gospel is GOOD NEWS. Then, after he hears about God’s love, grace, and mercy, he wants to do whatever it takes to become part of the family. His explanation of the Gospel shows that Philipp shared the importance of baptism. Do not dismiss this. You are not responding fully to the Gospel if you have not been baptized. It is a command. 2) We will be doing comprehensive teaching on baptism next week or so. There are several different interpretations and applications. That is NOT our purpose here. But I would like to point out that I have been baptized about six times. Why? Because it was vital for me to do so. 3) After this experience, the Holy Spirit carries Phillip away. Carry means to seize, catch up, snatch away—the same Greek root word in 1 Thess. 4:17. The eunuch went on his Chrisitan journey, full of joy. Remember those days. He never saw Phillip again, which is God’s way of saying that he uses people in our lives, and then He moves us on and uses others to help us. That is all a part of the normal process. You are normal.