The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-7-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Turn to the Lord. This is the answer whenever we are wayward. We should be turning to the Lord 1000 times a week. Unfortunately, people who think we don’t need to continually repent keep the residue of sin working against them. Not for justification but for sanctification. Simon was Full of bitterness like many Christians seem to be. When that happens, we are captive to that sin and a host of other ones. Not because we have to be but because we offer ourselves to be. Read Romans 6:13, which says, Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness. 2) If we come across someone, and if we are going through this type of struggle ourselves, we should be offering or asking for prayer. Sending prayers, which is biblical since all intercessory prayers are sent to God on behalf of others, is the best antidote. Simon knows he is stuck. So, he asks for the Apostles to pray for him. It’s not weakness to ask for prayer; it’s wisdom. 3) The Apostles stopped in many villages and preached the Good News. Hint, hint, they took the Gospel with them. Hint, hint, so should we. Where ever we are and whenever we go. Who knows (but the Lord) if there is a divine appointment waiting. So let’s live aware. Amen?