The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-5-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Jesus referenced David eating the bread of the presence, which was not lawful for him to eat. He wasn’t even the king yet. But in that situation, the circumstance helped to dictate the actions. By the way, David lied to the Ahimelek, the priest, about it. But there was no condemnation of David’s action. The purpose of the Law is to help people, not restrict them. But Jesus carried much greater weight than the intersection of Law and actions. He was ABOVE the Law because He was, is, and always will be greater. He is Lord over the fourth and every commandment. 2) We are not all the same. Unity does not consist of conformity regarding how God made each one of us. Separate fingerprints, eye prints, and DNA structures make it clear that we are similar but different. Individuality is GREAt and ordained by God. Hezekiah was Himself. But we all should be like Hezekiah in this: He held fast, did not turn, and followed the commandments of God. 3) The right scroll, at the right time. Have you ever asked God a question? And then, after asking Him, you get an answer from the Lord through His word? Yep, that has happened to tens of thousands of us multiple times. That is the DAP. The Dynamic Application Principle is when God speaks to us in a moment, but only for a moment. It’s not a license to use the scriptures how we want to. It is a license to hear Him and to draw closer to Him through His word.