The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-27-2022
Captain Chris shares about his future plans. This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Christian Kaos, part two: A tale of two cities. A tale of three kings. A tale of four Jews. That’s the ticker, and here we go: Four Jewish Christians, all from the same city in Detroit, Michigan, all living in the same neighborhood, two of which were, and still are, best friends. All saying yes to Jesus within thirty days of each other. And all on fire for Jesus ChristAfter that, we were known as The Four Musketeers. 2) In came a Jewish Christian rabbi, and out goes a Jewish Christian rabbi. Enter Pastor Ken. Bible knower extraordinaire; He instructed us to take that rabbi down. That was God wanted this. 3) Now that we were titled and extraordinarily gifted, we needed to become part of the work from a sweat point of view. By sweat, I mean money. Remember, Billy and I were from a wealthy family. So, what do you do when you are the annotated of God? You start working your way into your disciples’ pockets, just like Jesus did. Oh, wait. I guess Jesus didn’t try to manipulate people. I think I read somewhere that He came to give His life to others. Hmm. But unless the Lord builds the house... So, what’s a Jew to do?