The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-25-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) In the wind-down for Nehemiah, we get to examine choice portions of the bread of God. One thing that skips by many of us is when Israel is challenged because they refuse to listen. What is impressive is HOW God defines their refusal to listen. We may have an image that the Israelites were sticking their fingers in their ears as God was speaking. That would be wrong. They stick their fingers in their hearts. 2) When we don’t follow the Lord as our leader, even those filled with pride seek out a leader to direct them. That is because if someone else tells us to do something, it has tacit approval. It is a form of transference. And it’s why many so-called Christians follow spiritual and secular leadership with a type of blindness. This is why the scriptures command is for us to “test everything’ we come across. When God doesn’t lead, then a false god does. 3) Fortunately for us, despite what we occasionally do, God doesn’t pack His bags and take a trip to the other solar systems. When Israel veered off course, God challenged them. He did this to bring them back to Himself. He does this to bring us back to Himself. He doesn’t quit on us. He pushes harder.