The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-22-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) What is the defining makeup of a church? In this portion of Acts, we get a pretty good handle on what that should look like. Does this mean that we should be doing everything the same way they did in the first century? If that were the case, throw out your Bibles and your Smartphones with Bible apps because the first century had none of those. And get some flint to write.
2) Continuing steadfastly is one of the most important but forgotten descriptions of how the early church functioned. This has nothing to do with culture or technology but with commitment. You can't have a six-second faith, one time, and then forget all about the Chrisitan part of your life. Christianity is not an add-on to the American way of life. Christianity is supposed to BE our life.
3) We examine the four components of the early church that are transferrable to any time and any society. Doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer; are indispensable for a church to identify as a church authentically. They don't have to be done perfectly, BUT they have to be done.