The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-15-2022
From Doctor Dave: This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Those that wait upon the Lord: It is so tough to do if you are like I am; a bit of a control freak. Not in everything. But in certain things, usually in the realms where we do well. Or in the areas that we think we do well. And as I have shared before, that puts pressure on ourselves. This is not the pressure that God is bringing to us but that we are bringing to ourselves. And when we do this activity of controlling versus waiting on the Lord, we sap our Christian strength. 2) A sound clip, one of our fills between the segments, talks about Jesus changing the atmosphere. It is one of the most essential truths that we need to embrace. The wisdom of the walk is that in order to change the atmosphere, w need to have a change of scenery. Sometimes, when we can be caught up in the middle of the menusha, we need to ask the Lord to help us change the picture. Perhaps to one that helps us focus on Him? Sounds right. 3) We are going to use the Dynamic Application principle to review what can happen to people when the word of God is preached, taught, or heard. This means that we are not just focusing on the context of the whole passage but also reviewing the gem of the truth about Bible Warfare. We are commanded to stay alert because the enemy seeks to steal from us.