The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-9-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Stephen rocks the house with the gift of being able to see right into the throne of God. And this moment of sacrificing his life connects him to Jesus in a unique way. What’s evening more amazing is that he sees Jesus standing. When Jesus is described as being at the Father’s right hand, He is always sitting. But in this scene, Jesus is standing. Is it in acknowledgment of Stephan’s love for Him? Maybe. But one thing is for sure: heaven’s beings are not frozen. They sit, stand, sing, move, and groove. 2) Freak out. Yeah…freak out. That is what the unbelievers did in response to Stephan seeing Jesus. They flipped out. Does that sound familiar? They became upset because Stephan had a clear, non-diluted, honest and earnest picture of Jesus. They lost it, covered their ears, screamed loud enough to drown out Stephan’s words, and rushed after him. And they killed him. Why would it or should it be different today than it was back then? In specific ways, it’s the exact same. 3) The last two prayers of Stephan are masterpieces of how the grace of God works through the lives of His children. The first prayer is for the Lord to receive him. Stephan just wants in. And he asks “JESUS” to bring him on home. The second prayer is for the people who have done all this wrong to him to be forgiven. Who does that sound like? It’s just like Jesus. When we love Jesus, we want to follow His example. He didn’t ignore sin—He prayed for them to receive mercy.