The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-7-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Part One: One thing that twists many believers’ minds is the time that Jesus and Satan went at it in the wilderness. Jesus rebuffed him continually using the word of God. He quoted Deuteronomy, which shows how powerful the Old and the New Testaments are. But in this exchange, there was something that the enemy said that should have caught all of our attention. The enemy made clear that the world’s kingdoms, the authority and the glory had been delivered to the enemy. Jesus DID NOT dispute this. And at the resurrection, it wouldn’t last. But at that moment, Satan had this. How did that happen? 2) Part Two: We all scream about freedom. In this country, we even have a state whose motto is “Live free or die.” Wow...we must take this stuff pretty seriously. Being free is one of the key appeals of the Gospel. But that freedom does not give any believer a pass, or even the right, to operate in licentiousness. In truth, our newfound freedom enables us to CHOOSE to be slaves of the Lord. That is the freedom that we get to make a choice…to surrender. 3) Love, Love, Love. We even had a show called “Love, American Style.” Why did we need a show that demonstrated the American way to love? To communicate that it is DIFFERENT than biblical love. We examine only four of these biblical definitions. If Americans love like this, then our witness for the Lord would be beyond powerful. Love is more to honor Jesus than to read at a wedding. Do we…love it?