The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-21-2022
Can Dave Be Wrong??? You betcha! This 60-minutes is all about: 1) God had given. To start with, when God gives something, He is not cheap about it. God gives graciously. Let’s all stop thinking that God is a cheapskate. Second, He gives us gifts, special graces, naturally and supernaturally developed in our lives. The greatest 20th-century evangelist grew in his gifting. Let’s get over it. But the giftings are FOR OTHER PEOPLE. They are not badges of honor but calls to service. What is your gift? How are you using your gift? 2) There is an Old Testament and a New Testament. It is the same God from both. But in the New Testament, for us not to ruin it like we did the first one, God took both sides of the agreement and accomplished them. That’s another reason why Jesus became a man so that both sides could be covered. But there are many gold nuggets in the teachings of the Old. 3) Do we get fascinated by God’s instrument, especially the people God uses to further His kingdom’s work? Unfortunately, some people get TOO fascinated. After all, it’s not the tool or the vessel that owns the power. It’s God and God alone. So let’s stay fascinated with Him.