The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-14-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Why do disasters happen to nations? The people of the world say it is because the political correctness, or the fake righteousness of mankind, is not being strictly enforced. Control, control, control. These people are demonically inspired. The idea that people can establish their own righteousness apart from Jesus is a lie. And John 8 makes clear who the father of lies is. The truth is that disasters, whether they are exceedingly horrific or just kind of lousy, come about because a nation rejects the Lord God Almighty. They ignore the spilling of innocent blood. And they worship themselves more than the Creator. 2) Passion is fantastic. We should be passionate people. But as we have mentioned before, passion is in the realm of feelings. And your feelings, no matter how genuine, are not the authority to stand on. Jeremiah 17:9 makes this clear. So then, Dave, what do we stand on? That’s a good question. So here’s the best answer. We stand on the truth as our authority over every other feeling or perception we may have. And we listen to TRUTH TELLERS, not just the entertaining ones. 3) The year of favor. Doesn’t that sound great? But if a day with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years as a day, then the year of favor sounds even better. Guess what? When Jesus came and announced His ministry to the public, He proclaimed it was the year of favor. Do you like apples? How about them apples!