The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-3-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Christians can be pharisaical sometimes. In truth, today’s Pharisees are located where? In the church. Like they were found in the temple in the time of Christ. Even those who are in close proximity to Jesus can quickly pick up the Judas’ spirit. What is the Judas spirit? No, it’s not a new book coming to you. It’s the reality that Judas “looked” for an opportunity to accuse or betray Jesus. Do we “look” for the faults of others? That was the hypocritical judgment that Jesus was talking about in Matt. 7. Not to judge, but to judge others before we judge ourselves. 2) Would it be nice to pick up the phone, get the Lord on the line, ask the questions we want to ask, and get the answers before hanging up? Dave that only happens to the spiritual elite. You know, those guys and gals that have a direct line. Do they have a better connection to God than Elijah did? Nope. I think we can safely say nope. So, if Elijah didn’t have that bat phone, you don’t have one either. 3) The DDD that I will share with you will send a few shivers through a few spines. The people of God can find themselves off. When that happens, that often illustrates three things are being quenched, besides the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It’s more likely that the time, the touch, or the teach are muddy. It’s shower time.