The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-25-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Cancer is how my dad died. A unique form of cancer. It had to do with radiation infiltration that happened to him when he was younger. Cancer eats away at a person’s insides. It’s like any poison. It’s like any sin that stays within our system. It’s like any perpetual doubt. It’s like bitterness that lives inside of us. Many people are doing better against cancer than they did fifty years ago. Unfortunately, many more are doing worse with bitterness. Guess what? It will kill you too. 2) What is the biblical way of dealing with bitterness? It can’t be phony, and it has to work. It can’t be a magic pill unless it’s a Gos-Pill. Forgiveness is a solution to bitterness. It’s biblical, and it works. The power of the ministry of forgiveness is the power of the Gospel. It holds a back from the dead, resurrecting power. And for a Christian, it must be central to our everyday living. And we will continually be dying. 3) Forgiveness is a solution and a cure for many more ailments than we often realize. You know it’s true just by the level of comfortable or uncomfortableness that we feel or connect to when we hear the phrase “forgiveness.” There are two exceedingly essential elements to forgiveness. They come to our direction by the pathway of the TRUTH.