The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-2-2022
Funday Monday! This 60-minutes is all about: 1) A faithful man is hard to find. A faithful woman is hard to find. Not many in most leadership roles are faithful. So, how can we spot a faithful person? Is it because of what they wear? No chance. Is it because of what they say? Sometimes. But mostly, it’s because they do one thing above all else. They fear God. And it shows in what they do, what they say, and how they breathe. We can tell. 2) I came up with a great idea. Ever had that thought? Me too. Do you want to hear mine? OK, but if you use and get famous, He Must Increase Ministry wants the tithes and offerings. So, paper towels are perforated in circles for bowls, so you don’t have square sheets over round bowls. Have you seen this before? My idea, twenty-five years ago. I’m so bright. But guess what? Without God, nobody has any good ideas. 3) Do you remember the lady, Rachel Dolezal? Is that not ringing a bell? She is the gal that pretended to be black and was in charge of the NAACP organization. She’s white. She claimed on CNN that she was black because she felt black. How absurd can a person be? She lied about who she was. Shocker. That’s why there needs to be evidence of a person’s life and history. Just ask Pocahontas Warren.