The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-18-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) We, as Christians, have such incredible hope. God has promised us an eternity filled with great things and absent of terrible experiences. And we hold firmly to the understanding that the redeeming work of Jesus Christ solidified our salvation. In that sense, we have such a wonderful gift of salvation. The future is outstanding. The past is the greatest act of love. And the present is…the journey between. 2) What are you going to do today, Napoleon? None of your business, gosh? Yep, we might as well get a grip that this movie clip is closer to the truth than our brilliance. So, what is the Holy Spirit going to do today? And what does He want to do with you and me today? Gosh. We don’t know. Because His wisdom is higher than ours. So, we need to trust God and be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is “saying” to the church. You and I are a part of that church, so let’s listen up. 3) As smart as humanity thinks they are, they are not. Don’t go anywhere yet. How about this one? As brilliant as CHRISTIANS believe they are, we are not. Yes, God has indeed given us a grasp of who He is. But we have that because God gives it to us. It’s not to say and believe that…his ways are HIGHER!