The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-16-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) With Nehemiah, all the people praised the Lord. And acknowledged that God is GREAT. However, the people became undignified and would be shushed by the modern church because they said “amen” more than once. And then, if you can believe it, they raised their hands. How dare they? They are the people of God. Don’t they know how to behave in the church? Put your hands down, don’t stand up, and stop saying “amen” in the church. 2) Well, considering that people’s behaviors reflected Pentecostal churches, they went overboard. They started acting like their public gatherings were tent revivals in the early 1900 hundreds. No class. No dignity. No proper edict for civilized Churchianity. Who do they think they are, the people of God? 3) Instruction followed this crazy worship. Similar to our style now. Except the church acts like the frozen chosen. The Levites were explaining the laws of God to God’s people. Synonyms for the word instruction are behest, charge, command, decree, dictate, direction, directive, do, edict, imperative, injunction, order, and encourage. The idea is for us people to ABSORB or consume the Word of God. Eat up.