The David Spoon Experience Part 2 5-11-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) It’s sad. People fail. Leaders fail. Non-leaders fail. We fail. If you have never made a mistake after saying Yes to Jesus, you are of a precious few. Or you are a liar. It happens. We are sinners, but we are sinners saved. But for too many of us, there is still too much sin. It’s not an issue of trusting one another, as to our old man. It’s all about trusting those who have the same Heavenly Father, the same Lord and Christ, and the same Holy Spirit. We have to trust the JESUS in one another. 2) but we should never be deceived. In each of us is the capacity of at least a Peter. He was fantastic, bold, on fire, willing to sacrifice everything and a heavy hitter in the early church. Oh yeah, and he denied Jesus Christ three times. So now, if Peter can slip, after spending three and a half years up and close with Jesus, we should be circumspect. 3) But there is often in our sharing a noodle baker. And here it is. Your life is your witness to a degree. Your life is a sermon, but it is not the Gospel. It reflects the impact of the Gospel, but it is not the Gospel. The Gospel, as a message of God’s love, is perfect. The eternal message is always better than the people who carry it, except for Jesus.