The David Spoon Experience Part 2 4-4-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
We get to hear from Mary! PTL.
1) Because Nehemiah feared the LORD, he restrained himself from inappropriate and unfair behavior. Instead, he went in the opposite direction. That’s a significant clue. He feared God, so there were actions he would not take. He feared God, so there were actions he would take. When we reverence and honor the Lord, we shouldn’t do certain things, but we should be doing other things. Doy.
2) Nehemiah had a characteristic that too many Christians do not seem to possess. He was aware. He was aware of how people around him were doing. He was thoughtful. He was considerate. Even to his detriment, he thought being kind and giving to others was more important than staking his claim or demanding his rights. I guess this is like loving someone as we love ourselves.
3) Nehemiah asks God to remember him, to remember what he has done. In Hebrews 6:10, the author writes, “For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do.” We can rest assured that God does not forget what we have done in His Kingdom. Nor does He forget how we have and how we do love each other. It shows His faithfulness to our desire to…get it right. Let’s get it right.