The David Spoon Experience Part 2 3-9-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) The Gospel of John starts this way: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So, without being too theological, there was nothing. Then God spoke. Then there was something. Something out of nothing, because God was the Agency that created the something. This is Apologetics, 101. Apologetics is the defense of the faith. And our faith starts with a Word. So therefore, words must be exceedingly important.
2) There is power in words. By words, wars have started. By words, wars have ended. There is life in words. There is death in words. We don’t need to be legalistic about this. A burp is neither life nor death. But when we speak, there is an impact. When we speak, this is an opportunity to build, and there is an opportunity to tear down. God has a book that records our words (Malachi 3:16). How is that for a startling thought?
3) Bondage and freedom can come from our words. We have two ears, eyes, nostrils, and one mouth. And there are multiple places where our words matter: Our words towards God, ourselves, other believers, and non-believers are in play. Therefore, we need to be wise in how we play.