The David Spoon Experience Part 2 3-31-22
TDSE Descriptions for 90
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) God knows everything that has happened, happens, and will happen. Could you imagine if the Lord spoke to you and said, “okey-doke, your relatives are going to be stuck in slavery for four hundred years. You might think to yourself, “why is this going to happen?” But then the Lord explains to you that “this will lead to the first nation in the world to be My own people.” So why doesn’t God just snap His fingers and make it perfect? The same reason He didn’t annihilate Adam and Eve.
2) The covenant of circumcision? Why couldn’t it be something simple like unique hats? Because sex drives people. And God is communicating that before a person lives for sex, they need to nip that in the bud. Get it?
Circumcision makes it an unchangeable pledge to be God’s property.
3) Stephen takes the Gospel back to Abraham. As this super quick narrative of 14 chapters of Genesis is summed up in eight verses, Joseph becomes the focus. All the injustices that were done this guy are infuriating. And of the injustices are part of the bigger plan of God. But in reality, his oppressions are coordinated and prove that God is with Joseph. In each phase of his life. Just like He is in ours.