The David Spoon Experience Part 2 3-30-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) And we need to remember that Jesus is our captain. He is the quarterback of our team. He is the skipper of our fellowship. He is the head of our body. And we need to abide in Jesus. Like a fish needs water, or a bird needs air, we need to dwell or “live in” in the Lord. To not dwell in the Lord, to not abide in Jesus will lead to being dry and burned. That’s a very kind way of saying if we don’t live in Jesus, we will need a lot of burn ointment.
2) A key component of Jesus being in charge is that He is the cornerstone of our salvation. It is a gift that God offers us through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. Salvation is given by grace and received by faith. Nobody gets to boast about it because it’s a plan from God, for our benefit and blessing.
3) Here’s the problem; What the Lord maketh easy, we maketh extremely complicated, thus saith the Bible. In better words, what God starts, we try to finish, what makes easy, we make hard, and what God makes plain, we make complicated. Why? In the most excellent way possible, we do this because there is SIN in our hearts and minds.